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Salsa Lipsync


I'm looking at Salsa

It's way cheaper than FaceFX and seems to be supported by Dialogue System which i use for most of my dialogs. Is it possible to have AC also support it (now that there's lipsync support in AC)? it would help me make a choice as to what i'll use for lipsyncing.



  • Thanks for bringing this up. Looks like maybe a great solution for those with a Mac. The other solutions seem to be all Windows based.

  • Papagayo - support for which was added in 1.41 - is also Mac-compatible.
  • Hi:

    Thanks for adding Papagayo support. Plus for this is that it works for the Mac and is free. Downside is that you have to manually  add the words to the audio tracks. 

    Salsa appears to be more powerful and has the advantage of working for the Mac and automatically adding the words to the audio I believe. Very slight disadvantage is that it cost $30.  I do not have it but certainly looks like it may be a better option. Down the road if you are able to add support for this it would be great, since it looks like it has excellent reviews.

    Also many thanks for your great implementation of the Unity UI, along with the other many great features you are adding continuously.

  • Chris - SALSA with RandomEyes would be a nice, easy-to-implement addition to Adventure Creator. Unlike Papagayo, you don't have to preprocess audio clips. Just drop them into the project, and SALSA will run them. This is because SALSA does lipsync approximation. It isn't as accurate as phoneme mapping, but it's a heck of a lot easier, and the results are good enough.

    On top of this, RandomEyes handles facial expressions and automatic eye focus, which really adds a lot of the delivery of lines.

    The developer recently added PlayMaker actions. The code in those actions can serve as good "how to" templates for writing Adventure Creator actions.

    (steveR - As an alternative, if you have the Dialogue System, you can run a "Third Party: Dialogue system conversation" action to run a Dialogue System conversation and use its built-in SALSA support.)
  • Thanks PixelCrushers :

    I purchased Dialogue System in a sale awhile ago. I will have to give it a try.

  • edited January 2015
    @stever i love Dialgue System and using it with Chat mapper.  and @pixelcrushers is really doing an amazing job supporting it and connecting it with AC as seamlessly as possible. Although i would still want there to be more transparancy between the two (i have not tried a unigied Unity 4.6 UI between the two of them yet)

    @chrisIceBox if you do consider adding support for that, i would love to know so i would buy that and give it a try. I always prefer a single unified solution 
  • @SoundGuy: The author's been in touch with me and we're looking into it.  That's not a guarantee, though - just a statement of intent.
  • Hello @SoundGuy,

    This is Mike from Crazy Minnow Studio, one of the developers behind the SALSA with RandomEyes lip sync solution. We are pleased to announce that Chris has included integrated support for SALSA in his latest 1.43 release of Adventure Creator. The integration leverages new features in SALSA 1.3.0.

  • @ChrisIceBox - Thanks Chris!
  • Hey all - 

    Has anyone setup Salsa3D with FUSE Characters in AC and only using text for lipsync?  As of right now, I'm not using voice over in my game, but I'd still like to leverage Salsa for lipsync.  If it's not designed to do that, I can look into doing the basic AC text speech implementation, but I figured, I'm already using Salsa3D with RandomEyes, so I'd like to have it all live in one place.
  • Hey all - 
    Just a heads up that Mike and the @crazyM crew have released some excellent additional tools for AC:

    SALSA Actions for Adventure Creator & Adventure Creator listener for TextSync:

    I've been working with the Crazy Minnow team for a little while on these additional tools and have been super happy with them.  I highly recommend you check them out if you are needing some text-only lipsync and control over facial animations using Salsa+RandomEyes.

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