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(Solved)Popup inventory object

edited August 2014 in Engine development
I want to make a popup show inventory object that i have just picked up. Its not the inventory its only when i picked up an object show in the middle of the screen the object pic and then went off. So only for show purpose and for you know you have a new object in your inventory.
sorry my bad explanation is something like this:



  • ActionList parameters to the rescue - though you'll have to wait for 1.37, which will bring the ability to link the Menu: Change state Action to parameters.  Once it's out, you'll be able to create a "generic" ActionList asset that displays an "Inventory close-up" menu, which shows a parameterised element within in.

    The menu would have each possible graphic inside it by making Label elements with a texture.  When you pick up an item, you could then run the ActionList asset, telling it which element to show.
  • Chris.. are you saying that we could have 3d elements that you could show and or manipulate?
  • No, at least not yet.  This was a question just about displaying simple textures and text.
  • Ok now is 1.37 :) Can u make a better explanation for me? Cose i try but in the menu i cant do the part to select what item to show
  • What i done is you can look a close-up view from the object when i touch in the inventory, What i want to do is when you picked up the object theres goes the popup with the close-up object. It´s for advice that you pick an object.
  • It was just to move some stuff now is working :) Great update by the way!
  • Hi,
    I thought I'd revive this post to ask a follow up question. I followed Chris's instructions to use a menu + parameters to achieve the discussed functionality.

    But I was wondering if this method was extensible to include one more functionality: basically, when in close up view, I would like to be able to trigger player dialogue, preferably by way of clicking a "look at" interaction icon when hovering over the close-up view.

    Is this possible? Or am I barking up the wrong tree? If so, is there a better method?

  • Generally the same method would apply - you could create a Menu with a Button that covers the whole "zoomed in item" so that you can run an ActionList (with dialogue etc) when clicked on

    Parameters have come a long way since this thread was started, and you can now set and check individual parameter values through Actions.  You can also set the ActionList: Run Action's ActionList to run field dynamically with the new GameObject parameter type, meaning you can change which ActionList gets run after clicking on the Button (have a single ActionList: Run Action in your Button's Asset that then goes to a new asset)
  • edited July 2016
    OK, I think I've got the menu (calling it "inventory viewer") working nicely. I even enabled "Change cursor when over" and assigned a custom "examine" cursor on rollover of the buttons.

    But I hit one little snag. Although I am not able to access any other menus when this menu is open (which is desirable), I am able to press ESC and open the pause menu. This isn't a problem in itself, but when this happens, my custom "examine" cursor remains visible instead of the regular pointer cursor--even though the pause menu is appearing on top of my inventory viewer menu.

    I tried fixing this within AC but after several hours I seem to be out of ideas. Any leads would be awesome ;-)
  • You can lock all functionality of a Menu (including the operation that turns it on) completely by locking it.  You can lock Menus with the Menu: Change state Action.

    You can create ActionLists than lock and unlock your Pause Menu, and them assign them to your "Inventory viewer" Menu so that they run when the Menu is turned on and off respectively.
  • I think this will work for me for this menu, but I was also wondering if this is a standard conflict with the cursor icons that would impact any menu using "Change cursor when over". I plan on creating more menus and was wondering if toggling that option is the problem, do you know if that is the case?
  • I think you'll have to explain that with screenshots.  If the cursor is changing when it shouldn't be, that could be a bug - though I can't tell from the description alone.
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