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Dropdown box in ShowGUI for custom action

I have a custom action and I need a way to make a dropdown box that will simply display a combobox/dropdown with some strings in it, is that possible? And if so any examples around? Maybe this is entirely unity and not at all AC, I havent learned much about this side of unity gui things.


  • edited May 2017
    Create an enum with all the options you want:

    public enum yourEnumType

    public yourEnumType YourEnumVar;

    -Then in ShowGUI use: 

    YourEnumVar= (yourEnumType)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("my options:",YourEnumVar);

    -Them in your run() use:

     case optionA:
     //do something
     case optionB:
     //do something
     //do something
 for the proper caps and spelling, but that's the guist of it.
  • thanks very much, that is great, AC custom actions absolutely rock!!!.. 
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