Adventure Creator  1.79.1
An adventure game toolkit for Unity, by Chris Burton, ICEBOX Studios 2013-2022
AC.ActionCharAnim Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for AC.ActionCharAnim:
AC.Action AC.iActionListAssetReferencer AC.IVariableReferencerAction

Public Types

enum  AnimMethodChar { PlayCustom, StopCustom, ResetToIdle, SetStandard }

Public Member Functions

override void AssignValues (List< ActionParameter > parameters)
 Overwrites any appropriate variables with values set using parameters, or from ConstantID numbers. More...
override float Run ()
 Runs the Action. More...
override void Skip ()
void ReportWarning (string message, UnityEngine.Object context=null)
override void ShowGUI (List< ActionParameter > parameters)
 Shows the Action's GUI when its parent ActionList / ActionListAsset uses parameters. More...
override string SetLabel ()
 Gets a string that is shown after the Action's title in the Editor to help the user understand what it does. More...
override void AssignConstantIDs (bool saveScriptsToo, bool fromAssetFile)
 Called when an ActionList has been converted from a scene-based object to an asset file. Within it, AssignConstantID should be called for each of the Action's Constant ID numbers, which will assign a new number if one does not already exist, based on the referenced scene object. More...
override bool ReferencesObjectOrID (GameObject _gameObject, int id)
 Checks if the Action makes reference to a particular GameObject More...
override bool ReferencesPlayer (int _playerID=-1)
 Checks if the Action makes reference to a particular ActionList asset More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from AC.Action
 Action ()
virtual void Upgrade ()
virtual int GetNextOutputIndex ()
 Gets the index of the output socket to use after the Action has run. More...
void PrintComment (ActionList actionList, ActionListAsset actionListAsset=null)
 Prints the Action's comment, if applicable, to the Console. More...
void SetOutputs (ActionEnd[] actionEnds)
 Update the Action's output sockets More...
void ResetSearchData ()
virtual void ShowGUI ()
void SkipActionGUI (List< Action > actions, bool showGUI)
void DrawOutWires (List< Action > actions, int i, int offset, Vector2 scrollPosition)
int FieldToID< T > (T field, int _constantID, bool alwaysAssign=false)
int FieldToID (Collider field, int _constantID)
void AddSaveScript< T > (Behaviour field)
void AddSaveScript< T > (GameObject _gameObject)
IDToField< T > (T field, int _constantID, bool moreInfo)
Collider IDToField (Collider field, int _constantID, bool moreInfo)
int FieldToID (Transform field, int _constantID, bool alwaysAssign=false)
Transform IDToField (Transform field, int _constantID, bool moreInfo)
int FieldToID (GameObject field, int _constantID)
int FieldToID (GameObject field, int _constantID, bool alwaysAssign)
GameObject IDToField (GameObject field, int _constantID, bool moreInfo)
GameObject IDToField (GameObject field, int _constantID, bool moreInfo, bool alwaysShow)
virtual bool ConvertLocalVariableToGlobal (int oldLocalID, int newGlobalID)
 Converts the Action's references from a given local variable to a given global variable More...
virtual bool ConvertGlobalVariableToLocal (int oldGlobalID, int newLocalID, bool isCorrectScene)
 Converts the Action's references from a given global variable to a given local variable More...
virtual int GetNumVariableReferences (VariableLocation location, int varID, List< ActionParameter > parameters, Variables variables=null, int variablesConstantID=0)
 Gets the number of references the Action makes to a variable More...
virtual int UpdateVariableReferences (VariableLocation location, int oldVarID, int newVarID, List< ActionParameter > parameters, Variables variables=null, int variablesConstantID=0)
 Updated references the Action makes to a variable More...
virtual bool ReferencesAsset (ActionListAsset actionListAsset)
virtual List< ActionListAssetGetReferencedActionListAssets ()
virtual void AssignParentList (ActionList actionList)
 Passes the ActionList that the Action is a part of to the Action class. This is run before the Action is called or displayed in an Editor. More...
virtual void AssignValues ()
virtual void Reset (ActionList actionList)
 Resets any runtime values that are necessary to run the Action succesfully More...
BoolValue AssignBoolean (List< ActionParameter > parameters, int _parameterID, BoolValue field)
 Replaces a boolean based on an ActionParameter, if appropriate. More...
int AssignInteger (List< ActionParameter > parameters, int _parameterID, int field)
 Replaces an integer based on an ActionParameter, if appropriate. More...
float AssignFloat (List< ActionParameter > parameters, int _parameterID, float field)
 Replaces a float based on an ActionParameter, if appropriate. More...
Transform AssignFile (List< ActionParameter > parameters, int _parameterID, int _constantID, Transform field)
 Replaces a Transform based on an ActionParameter or ConstantID instance, if appropriate. More...
Collider AssignFile (List< ActionParameter > parameters, int _parameterID, int _constantID, Collider field)
 Replaces a Collider based on an ActionParameter or ConstantID instance, if appropriate. More...
Object AssignObject< T > (List< ActionParameter > parameters, int _parameterID, Object field)
 Replaces a GameObject based on an ActionParameter or ConstantID instance, if appropriate. More...
AssignFile< T > (List< ActionParameter > parameters, int _parameterID, int _constantID, T field, bool doLog=true)
 Replaces a generic Behaviour based on an ActionParameter or ConstantID instance, if appropriate. More...
AssignFile< T > (int _constantID, T field)
 Replaces a generic Behaviour based on a ConstantID, if appropriate. More...
Transform AssignFile (int _constantID, Transform field)
 Replaces a Transform based on a ConstantID, if appropriate. More...
void FixLinkAfterDeleting (Action actionToDelete, Action targetAction, List< Action > actionList)
virtual void ClearIDs ()
virtual void SetLastResult (int _lastRunOutput)
 Updates which output was followed when the Action was last run More...
void ResetLastResult ()
virtual void ResetAssetValues ()
void SetOutput (ActionEnd actionEnd)
 Update the Action's output socket More...

Static Public Member Functions

static ActionCharAnim CreateNew_SpritesUnity_PlayCustom (AC.Char characterToAnimate, string clipName, bool addDirectionalSuffix=false, int layerIndex=0, float transitionTime=0f, bool waitUntilFinish=true, bool returnToIdleAfter=true)
 Creates a new instance of the 'Character: Animate' Action, set to play a custom animation using the 'Sprites Unity' engine More...
static ActionCharAnim CreateNew_SpritesUnity_SetStandard (AC.Char characterToAnimate, AnimStandard standardToChange, string newStandardName, AudioClip newSound=null, float newSpeed=0f)
 Creates a new instance of the 'Character: Animate' Action, set to change a character's standard animation using the 'Sprites Unity' engine More...
static ActionCharAnim CreateNew_SpritesUnity_ResetToIdle (AC.Char characterToAnimate, bool waitForCustomAnimationToFinish=false)
 Creates a new instance of the 'Character: Animate' Action, set to reset a character to idle using the 'Sprites Unity' engine More...
static ActionCharAnim CreateNew_SpritesUnityComplex_PlayCustom (AC.Char characterToAnimate, string clipName, bool addDirectionalSuffix=false, int layerIndex=0, float transitionTime=0f, bool waitUntilFinish=true)
 Creates a new instance of the 'Character: Animate' Action, set to play a custom animation using the 'Sprites Unity Complex' engine More...
static ActionCharAnim CreateNew_SpritesUnityComplex_ChangeParameterValue (AC.Char characterToAnimate, string parameterName)
 Creates a new instance of the 'Character: Animate' Action, set to invoke an Animator Trigger parameter value using the 'Sprites Unity' engine More...
static ActionCharAnim CreateNew_SpritesUnityComplex_ChangeParameterValue (AC.Char characterToAnimate, string parameterName, int parameterValue)
 Creates a new instance of the 'Character: Animate' Action, set to change an Animator Integer parameter value using the 'Sprites Unity' engine More...
static ActionCharAnim CreateNew_SpritesUnityComplex_ChangeParameterValue (AC.Char characterToAnimate, string parameterName, float parameterValue)
 Creates a new instance of the 'Character: Animate' Action, set to change an Animator Float parameter value using the 'Sprites Unity' engine More...
static ActionCharAnim CreateNew_SpritesUnityComplex_ChangeParameterValue (AC.Char characterToAnimate, string parameterName, bool parameterValue)
 Creates a new instance of the 'Character: Animate' Action, set to change an Animator Bool parameter value using the 'Sprites Unity' engine More...
static ActionCharAnim CreateNew_SpritesUnityComplex_SetStandard (AC.Char characterToAnimate, MecanimCharParameter parameterToChange, string newParameterName)
 Creates a new instance of the 'Character: Animate' Action, set to change a character's standard animation using the 'Sprites Unity' engine More...
static ActionCharAnim CreateNew_Mecanim_ChangeParameterValue (AC.Char characterToAnimate, string parameterName)
 Creates a new instance of the 'Character: Animate' Action, set to invoke an Animator Trigger parameter value using the 'Mecanim' engine More...
static ActionCharAnim CreateNew_Mecanim_ChangeParameterValue (AC.Char characterToAnimate, string parameterName, int parameterValue)
 Creates a new instance of the 'Character: Animate' Action, set to update an Animator Integer parameter value using the 'Mecanim' engine More...
static ActionCharAnim CreateNew_Mecanim_ChangeParameterValue (AC.Char characterToAnimate, string parameterName, float parameterValue)
 Creates a new instance of the 'Character: Animate' Action, set to update an Animator Float parameter value using the 'Mecanim' engine More...
static ActionCharAnim CreateNew_Mecanim_ChangeParameterValue (AC.Char characterToAnimate, string parameterName, bool parameterValue)
 Creates a new instance of the 'Character: Animate' Action, set to update an Animator Bool parameter value using the 'Mecanim' engine More...
static ActionCharAnim CreateNew_Mecanim_SetStandard (AC.Char characterToAnimate, MecanimCharParameter parameterToChange, string newParameterName)
 Creates a new instance of the 'Character: Animate' Action, set to change a character's standard animation using the 'Mecanim' engine More...
static ActionCharAnim CreateNew_Mecanim_PlayCustom (AC.Char characterToAnimate, string clipName, int layerIndex=0, float transitionTime=0f, bool waitUntilFinish=true)
 Creates a new instance of the 'Character: Animate' Action, set to play a custom animation using the 'Mecanim' engine More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from AC.Action
static int ChooseParameterGUI (string label, List< ActionParameter > _parameters, int _parameterID, ParameterType _expectedType, int excludeParameterID=-1, string tooltip="", bool alwaysShow=false)
static int ChooseParameterGUI (string label, List< ActionParameter > _parameters, int _parameterID, ParameterType[] _expectedTypes, int excludeParameterID=-1, string tooltip="")
static int ChooseParameterGUI (List< ActionParameter > _parameters, int _parameterID)
static int FieldToID (GameObject field, int _constantID, bool alwaysAssign, bool _isAssetFile)
static GameObject IDToField (GameObject field, int _constantID, bool moreInfo, bool alwaysShow, bool _isAssetFile)
static ActionEnd GenerateStopActionEnd ()
static T CreateNew< T > ()
static Action CreateNew (string className)
static void EditSource (Action _action)

Public Attributes

int parameterID = -1
int constantID = 0
bool isPlayer
int playerID = -1
Char animChar
AnimationClip clip
int clipParameterID = -1
string clip2D
int clip2DParameterID = -1
AnimMethodChar method
AnimationBlendMode blendMode
AnimLayer layer = AnimLayer.Base
AnimStandard standard
bool includeDirection = false
bool changeSound = false
AudioClip newSound
int newSoundParameterID = -1
int newSpeedParameterID = -1
int layerInt
bool idleAfter = true
bool idleAfterCustom = false
AnimPlayMode playMode
AnimPlayModeBase playModeBase = AnimPlayModeBase.PlayOnceAndClamp
float fadeTime = 0f
bool changeSpeed = false
float newSpeed = 0f
AnimMethodCharMecanim methodMecanim
MecanimCharParameter mecanimCharParameter
MecanimParameterType mecanimParameterType
string parameterName
int parameterNameID = -1
float parameterValue
int parameterValueParameterID = -1
bool hideHead = false
bool doLoop
string runtimeClip2D
int startingIdleHash
bool enteredCorrectState
- Public Attributes inherited from AC.Action
int id
bool isDisplayed
bool showComment
string comment
bool willWait
bool isRunning
List< ActionEndendings = new List<ActionEnd> ()
bool isEnabled = true
bool isAssetFile = false
bool isMarked = false
bool isBreakPoint = false
Color overrideColor = Color.white
bool showOutputSockets = true
ActionList parentActionListInEditor = null

Protected Member Functions

void ResetAnimationEngine (AnimationEngine animationEngine, string customClassName)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from AC.Action
void AddSearchTerm (string term)
string TextArea (string text)
string TextField (string label, string text)
string DelayedTextField (string label, string text)
void AfterRunningOption ()
void SkipActionGUI (ActionEnd ending, List< Action > actions, bool showGUI)
void AssignConstantID< T > (T field, int _constantID, int _parameterID)
void AssignConstantID (Collider field, int _constantID, int _parameterID)
void AssignConstantID (Transform field, int _constantID, int _parameterID)
void AssignConstantID (GameObject field, int _constantID, int _parameterID)
int ChoosePlayerGUI (int _playerID, bool includeActiveOption=false)
void TryAssignConstantID (Component component, ref int _constantID)
void TryAssignConstantID (GameObject gameObject, ref int _constantID)
Player AssignPlayer (int _playerID, List< ActionParameter > parameters, int _playerParameterID)
void Log (string message, Object context=null)
void LogWarning (string message, Object context=null)
void LogError (string message, Object context=null)
ActionParameter GetParameterWithID (List< ActionParameter > parameters, int _id)
string AssignString (List< ActionParameter > parameters, int _parameterID, string field)
Vector3 AssignVector3 (List< ActionParameter > parameters, int _parameterID, Vector3 field)
int AssignVariableID (List< ActionParameter > parameters, int _parameterID, int field)
GVar AssignVariable (List< ActionParameter > parameters, int _parameterID, GVar field)
Variables AssignVariablesComponent (List< ActionParameter > parameters, int _parameterID, Variables field)
int AssignInvItemID (List< ActionParameter > parameters, int _parameterID, int field)
int AssignDocumentID (List< ActionParameter > parameters, int _parameterID, int field)
GameObject AssignFile (List< ActionParameter > parameters, int _parameterID, int _constantID, GameObject field)
 Replaces a GameObject based on an ActionParameter or ConstantID instance, if appropriate. More...
GameObject AssignFile (int _constantID, GameObject field)
 Replaces a GameObject based on a ConstantID, if appropriate. More...
virtual string GetSocketLabel (int i)
ActionEnd GenerateActionEnd (ResultAction _resultAction, ActionListAsset _linkedAsset, Cutscene _linkedCutscene, int _skipAction, Action _skipActionActual, List< Action > _actions)

Protected Attributes

AnimEngine editingAnimEngine
Char runtimeAnimChar
- Protected Attributes inherited from AC.Action
ActionCategory category = ActionCategory.Custom
string title = "Untitled"
string description


Char EditorAnimChar [get]
override ActionCategory Category [get]
override string Title [get]
override string Description [get]
Char RuntimeAnimChar [get]
- Properties inherited from AC.Action
string searchData [get, protected set]
virtual ActionCategory Category [get]
virtual string Title [get]
virtual string Description [get]
virtual int NumSockets [get]
virtual bool RunNormallyWhenSkip [get]
virtual bool RunAllOutputs [get]
float defaultPauseTime [get]
int LastRunOutput [get]
Rect NodeRect [get, set]

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Attributes inherited from AC.Action
const int skipSocketSeparation = 48
const int socketSeparation = 28

Member Function Documentation

◆ AssignConstantIDs()

override void AC.ActionCharAnim.AssignConstantIDs ( bool  saveScriptsToo,
bool  fromAssetFile 

Called when an ActionList has been converted from a scene-based object to an asset file. Within it, AssignConstantID should be called for each of the Action's Constant ID numbers, which will assign a new number if one does not already exist, based on the referenced scene object.

saveScriptsTooIf True, then the Action shall attempt to add the appropriate 'Remember' script to reference GameObjects as well.
fromAssetFileIf True, then the Action is placed in an ActionListAsset file

Reimplemented from AC.Action.

◆ AssignValues()

override void AC.ActionCharAnim.AssignValues ( List< ActionParameter parameters)

Overwrites any appropriate variables with values set using parameters, or from ConstantID numbers.

parametersA List of parameters that overwrite variable values

Reimplemented from AC.Action.

◆ CreateNew_Mecanim_ChangeParameterValue() [1/4]

static ActionCharAnim AC.ActionCharAnim.CreateNew_Mecanim_ChangeParameterValue ( AC.Char  characterToAnimate,
string  parameterName 

Creates a new instance of the 'Character: Animate' Action, set to invoke an Animator Trigger parameter value using the 'Mecanim' engine

characterToAnimateThe character to animate
parameterNameThe name of the Trigger parameter
The generated Action

◆ CreateNew_Mecanim_ChangeParameterValue() [2/4]

static ActionCharAnim AC.ActionCharAnim.CreateNew_Mecanim_ChangeParameterValue ( AC.Char  characterToAnimate,
string  parameterName,
bool  parameterValue 

Creates a new instance of the 'Character: Animate' Action, set to update an Animator Bool parameter value using the 'Mecanim' engine

characterToAnimateThe character to animate
parameterNameThe name of the Bool parameter
The generated Action

◆ CreateNew_Mecanim_ChangeParameterValue() [3/4]

static ActionCharAnim AC.ActionCharAnim.CreateNew_Mecanim_ChangeParameterValue ( AC.Char  characterToAnimate,
string  parameterName,
float  parameterValue 

Creates a new instance of the 'Character: Animate' Action, set to update an Animator Float parameter value using the 'Mecanim' engine

characterToAnimateThe character to animate
parameterNameThe name of the Float parameter
The generated Action

◆ CreateNew_Mecanim_ChangeParameterValue() [4/4]

static ActionCharAnim AC.ActionCharAnim.CreateNew_Mecanim_ChangeParameterValue ( AC.Char  characterToAnimate,
string  parameterName,
int  parameterValue 

Creates a new instance of the 'Character: Animate' Action, set to update an Animator Integer parameter value using the 'Mecanim' engine

characterToAnimateThe character to animate
parameterNameThe name of the Integer parameter
The generated Action

◆ CreateNew_Mecanim_PlayCustom()

static ActionCharAnim AC.ActionCharAnim.CreateNew_Mecanim_PlayCustom ( AC.Char  characterToAnimate,
string  clipName,
int  layerIndex = 0,
float  transitionTime = 0f,
bool  waitUntilFinish = true 

Creates a new instance of the 'Character: Animate' Action, set to play a custom animation using the 'Mecanim' engine

characterToAnimateThe character to animate
clipNameThe animation clip name to play
layerIndexThe index number on the Animator Controller that the animation clip is located in
transitionTimeThe time, in seconds, to take when transitioning from the old to the new animation
waitUntilFinishIf True, then the Action will wait until the transition is complete
The generated Action

◆ CreateNew_Mecanim_SetStandard()

static ActionCharAnim AC.ActionCharAnim.CreateNew_Mecanim_SetStandard ( AC.Char  characterToAnimate,
MecanimCharParameter  parameterToChange,
string  newParameterName 

Creates a new instance of the 'Character: Animate' Action, set to change a character's standard animation using the 'Mecanim' engine

characterToAnimateThe character to affect
parameterToChangeThe Mecanim parameter type (e.g. MoveSpeedFloat) to change
newParameterNameThe new name of the parameter
The generated Action

◆ CreateNew_SpritesUnity_PlayCustom()

static ActionCharAnim AC.ActionCharAnim.CreateNew_SpritesUnity_PlayCustom ( AC.Char  characterToAnimate,
string  clipName,
bool  addDirectionalSuffix = false,
int  layerIndex = 0,
float  transitionTime = 0f,
bool  waitUntilFinish = true,
bool  returnToIdleAfter = true 

Creates a new instance of the 'Character: Animate' Action, set to play a custom animation using the 'Sprites Unity' engine

characterToAnimateThe character to animate
clipNameThe animation clip name to play
addDirectionalSuffixIf True, a directional suffix (e.g. '_R' for right-facing) will be added automatically to the clip name, based on the direction the character is facing
layerIndexThe index number on the Animator Controller that the animation clip is located in
transitionTimeThe time, in seconds, to take when transitioning from the old to the new animation
waitUntilFinishIf True, then the Action will wait until the transition is complete
returnToIdleAfterIf True, and waitUntilFinish = True, then the character will return to an idle state once the animation is complete
The generated Action

◆ CreateNew_SpritesUnity_ResetToIdle()

static ActionCharAnim AC.ActionCharAnim.CreateNew_SpritesUnity_ResetToIdle ( AC.Char  characterToAnimate,
bool  waitForCustomAnimationToFinish = false 

Creates a new instance of the 'Character: Animate' Action, set to reset a character to idle using the 'Sprites Unity' engine

characterToAnimateThe character to manipulate
waitForCustomAnimationToFinishIf True, then the Action will wait for any currently-playing custom animation to finish before returning the character to idle
The generated Action

◆ CreateNew_SpritesUnity_SetStandard()

static ActionCharAnim AC.ActionCharAnim.CreateNew_SpritesUnity_SetStandard ( AC.Char  characterToAnimate,
AnimStandard  standardToChange,
string  newStandardName,
AudioClip  newSound = null,
float  newSpeed = 0f 

Creates a new instance of the 'Character: Animate' Action, set to change a character's standard animation using the 'Sprites Unity' engine

characterToAnimateThe character to affect
standardToChangeThe standard animation type (e.g. Idle, Walk) to change
newStandardNameThe new name of the standard animation
newSoundThe new sound to optionally associate with the animation, if walk or run
newSpeedThe new speed, if walk or run and greater than zero
The generated Action

◆ CreateNew_SpritesUnityComplex_ChangeParameterValue() [1/4]

static ActionCharAnim AC.ActionCharAnim.CreateNew_SpritesUnityComplex_ChangeParameterValue ( AC.Char  characterToAnimate,
string  parameterName 

Creates a new instance of the 'Character: Animate' Action, set to invoke an Animator Trigger parameter value using the 'Sprites Unity' engine

characterToAnimateThe character to animate
parameterNameThe name of the Trigger parameter
The generated Action

◆ CreateNew_SpritesUnityComplex_ChangeParameterValue() [2/4]

static ActionCharAnim AC.ActionCharAnim.CreateNew_SpritesUnityComplex_ChangeParameterValue ( AC.Char  characterToAnimate,
string  parameterName,
bool  parameterValue 

Creates a new instance of the 'Character: Animate' Action, set to change an Animator Bool parameter value using the 'Sprites Unity' engine

characterToAnimateThe character to animate
parameterNameThe name of the Bool parameter
parameterValueThe parameter's new value
The generated Action

◆ CreateNew_SpritesUnityComplex_ChangeParameterValue() [3/4]

static ActionCharAnim AC.ActionCharAnim.CreateNew_SpritesUnityComplex_ChangeParameterValue ( AC.Char  characterToAnimate,
string  parameterName,
float  parameterValue 

Creates a new instance of the 'Character: Animate' Action, set to change an Animator Float parameter value using the 'Sprites Unity' engine

characterToAnimateThe character to animate
parameterNameThe name of the Float parameter
parameterValueThe parameter's new value
The generated Action

◆ CreateNew_SpritesUnityComplex_ChangeParameterValue() [4/4]

static ActionCharAnim AC.ActionCharAnim.CreateNew_SpritesUnityComplex_ChangeParameterValue ( AC.Char  characterToAnimate,
string  parameterName,
int  parameterValue 

Creates a new instance of the 'Character: Animate' Action, set to change an Animator Integer parameter value using the 'Sprites Unity' engine

characterToAnimateThe character to animate
parameterNameThe name of the Integer parameter
parameterValueThe parameter's new value
The generated Action

◆ CreateNew_SpritesUnityComplex_PlayCustom()

static ActionCharAnim AC.ActionCharAnim.CreateNew_SpritesUnityComplex_PlayCustom ( AC.Char  characterToAnimate,
string  clipName,
bool  addDirectionalSuffix = false,
int  layerIndex = 0,
float  transitionTime = 0f,
bool  waitUntilFinish = true 

Creates a new instance of the 'Character: Animate' Action, set to play a custom animation using the 'Sprites Unity Complex' engine

characterToAnimateThe character to animate
clipNameThe animation clip name to play
addDirectionalSuffixIf True, a directional suffix (e.g. '_R' for right-facing) will be added automatically to the clip name, based on the direction the character is facing
layerIndexThe index number on the Animator Controller that the animation clip is located in
transitionTimeThe time, in seconds, to take when transitioning from the old to the new animation
waitUntilFinishIf True, then the Action will wait until the transition is complete
The generated Action

◆ CreateNew_SpritesUnityComplex_SetStandard()

static ActionCharAnim AC.ActionCharAnim.CreateNew_SpritesUnityComplex_SetStandard ( AC.Char  characterToAnimate,
MecanimCharParameter  parameterToChange,
string  newParameterName 

Creates a new instance of the 'Character: Animate' Action, set to change a character's standard animation using the 'Sprites Unity' engine

characterToAnimateThe character to affect
parameterToChangeThe Mecanim parameter type (e.g. MoveSpeedFloat) to change
newParameterNameThe new name of the parameter
The generated Action

◆ ReferencesObjectOrID()

override bool AC.ActionCharAnim.ReferencesObjectOrID ( GameObject  gameObject,
int  id 

Checks if the Action makes reference to a particular GameObject

gameObjectThe GameObject to check for
idThe GameObject's associated ConstantID value
True if the Action references the GameObject

Reimplemented from AC.Action.

◆ ReferencesPlayer()

override bool AC.ActionCharAnim.ReferencesPlayer ( int  playerID = -1)

Checks if the Action makes reference to a particular ActionList asset

playerIDThe Player to check for, if player-switching is enabled
True if the Action references the Player

Reimplemented from AC.Action.

◆ Run()

override float AC.ActionCharAnim.Run ( )

Runs the Action.

The time, in seconds, to wait before ActionList calls this function again. If 0, then the Action will not be re-run. If >0, and isRunning = True, then the Action will be re-run isRunning = False

Reimplemented from AC.Action.

◆ SetLabel()

override string AC.ActionCharAnim.SetLabel ( )

Gets a string that is shown after the Action's title in the Editor to help the user understand what it does.

A string that is shown after the Action's title in the Editor to help the user understand what it does.

Reimplemented from AC.Action.

◆ ShowGUI()

override void AC.ActionCharAnim.ShowGUI ( List< ActionParameter parameters)

Shows the Action's GUI when its parent ActionList / ActionListAsset uses parameters.

parametersA List of parameters available in the parent ActionList / ActionListAsset

Reimplemented from AC.Action.

◆ Skip()

override void AC.ActionCharAnim.Skip ( )

Runs the Action instantaneously.

Reimplemented from AC.Action.