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Creating Custom Action With Parameter

Trying to learn the scripting side of AC, I've done a simple custom Action that simply just adds 1 Strength:


public class AddStrength : Action

    // Declare variables here

    public AddStrength()
        this.isDisplayed = true;
        category = ActionCategory.Custom;
        title = "Add Strength";
        description = "Test for adding Strength";

    public override float Run ()
        AC.GlobalVariables.GetVariable("Strength").IntegerValue += 1;

        return 0f;

    public override void Skip ()
         Run ();


    public override void ShowGUI ()
        // Action-specific Inspector GUI code here

        AfterRunningOption ();

    public override string SetLabel ()
        // (Optional) Return a string used to describe the specific action's job.

        return string.Empty;



Now I wanna do the same thing except with parameters, so I can just enter a value within the parameter to determine how much of a strength I want when using the Editor. Looking at the ActionParameter script, there seems to be a lot of code, I'm not sure if all are necessary or only some. So I would appreciate it if anyone could show me how the above code would work with a parameter.

Thank you!


  • Isn't this already possible by using the Action type Variable/Set and the method Increase By Value?

  • Using the editor yeah it is, but I'm trying to understand the scripting side, so that I may learn how to create my own custom actions with its own logic etc.

  • edited August 2020

    Are you referring to "ActionList parameters" - which allow you to override Action field values - or are you just looking to set the value within the Action itself?

    Simply exposing the value in the Action itself just needs you to store that value as a public variable, display a field for it in the ShowGUI function, and then use it in the IntegerValue setter.

    Also, if your Skip and SetLabel functions don't override anything, they can be safely removed:

    using UnityEngine;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using UnityEditor;
    namespace AC
        public class AddStrength : Action
            public int strengthIncrease = 1;
            public AddStrength()
                this.isDisplayed = true;
                category = ActionCategory.Custom;
                title = "Add Strength";
                description = "Test for adding Strength";
            public override float Run ()
                AC.GlobalVariables.GetVariable("Strength").IntegerValue += strengthIncrease;
                return 0f;
            #if UNITY_EDITOR
            public override void ShowGUI ()
                strengthIncrease = EditorGUILayout.IntField ("Increase by:", strengthIncrease);
                AfterRunningOption ();

    If you wanted to also be able to override this field with an Integer parameter (see a tutorial on parameters here), then you can do so by creating another integer variable to store that parameter's ID, and use it to override your set value if non-negative:

    using UnityEngine;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using UnityEditor;
    namespace AC
        public class AddStrength : Action
            public int strengthIncrease = 1;
            public int parameterID = -1;
            public AddStrength()
                this.isDisplayed = true;
                category = ActionCategory.Custom;
                title = "Add Strength";
                description = "Test for adding Strength";
            public override void AssignValues(List<ActionParameter> parameters)
                strengthIncrease = AssignInteger (parameters, parameterID, strengthIncrease);
            public override float Run ()
                AC.GlobalVariables.GetVariable("Strength").IntegerValue += strengthIncrease;
                return 0f;
            #if UNITY_EDITOR
            public override void ShowGUI (List<ActionParameter> parameters)
                parameterID = Action.ChooseParameterGUI ("Increse by:", parameters, parameterID, ParameterType.Integer);
                if (parameterID < 0)
                    strengthIncrease = EditorGUILayout.IntField ("Increase by:", strengthIncrease);
                AfterRunningOption ();

    A tutorial on writing custom Actions that use ActionList parameters can be found here.

  • Thank you thats what I needed, and yes I was referring to Actionlist parameters

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