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Action Lists not triggering on Scene Switch

At the end of an Action List for one of my levels, I tell the Action List to switch Scenes. The Switches, however on the new scene, there's supposed to be an Action List cut scene on start and it doesn't trigger. While Hotspots still seem to work, any Action List Interactions that normally trigger when I'd click them don't trigger either. What could be causing this?


  • Sorry, I'll need a few more details:

    This is an "AC" scene, i.e. one with a GameEngine in its Hierarchy?

    How have you configred the Cutscene to run on start? Via the Scene Manager, or by attaching an ActionList Starter component to it?

    Do these ActionLists work OK when running them manually via the "Run now" button in their Inspectors?

    What are your AC / Unity versions?

  • edited September 2020

    This is an "AC" scene, i.e. one with a GameEngine in its Hierarchy?


    How have you configred the Cutscene to run on start? Via the Scene Manager, or by attaching an ActionList Starter component to it?

    Yes, each scene has a Cutscene loaded in the GameEngine GameObject > Scene Settings Script > Cutscene On Start. However, separate Action Lists after the start of the new scene are not properly activating either. It seems that part of them are activating but most of the Action List is skipped. For example, I'm using Pixel Crushers Dialogue System. Some of the movement I have the camera do might trigger in accordance to the start cutscene action list, but none of the dialogue or subsequent actions do, with the exception of Dialogue System alerts.

    Do these ActionLists work OK when running them manually via the "Run now" button in their Inspectors?

    Yes, they run properly under normal circumstances. If I run the scenes independently, it works just fine.

    What are your AC / Unity versions?

    Unity 2020.1.1f.
    Adventure Creator Ver 1.70.4

  • Some of the movement I have the camera do might trigger in accordance to the start cutscene action list, but none of the dialogue or subsequent actions do, with the exception of Dialogue System alerts.

    Can you elaborate on this? I don't really follow.

    Are you using any other assets besides DS? You shouldn't get such behaviour normally, so it sounds like something other than AC could be a factor here.

    If you create a fresh AC scene, with a single OnStart cutscene that switches to the problematic one, does the problem still happen?

  • edited September 2020

    Nope, the only asset systems I'm using are AC and Dialogue System.

    For the most part, it seems most events in the Action List related to the Dialogue System triggering aren't firing. It's like they're being skipped over while some parts of the action list remain. The Cutscene Action list won't activate DS Conversations like it's supposed to, but will trigger alerts properly. They work normally when I use the scenes independently. However, this only seems to happen when I tell my Action List in the first scene to switch to the second scene.

  • It's like they're being skipped over while some parts of the action list remain.

    Are you talking about their display in the Editor, or the effects of them running?

    If the lists involve Dialogue System, could it be that there's a conflict with Dialogue System? The integration between AC and DS is handled on the DS side.

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