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Change order in layer to a new number

edited May 2021 in Technical Q&A

Hi there,
Any action that allows changing the "Order in layer" for a non-character game object (and also any remember component to remember this)?



  • You can control such a property through animation, play it back with the Object: Animate Action, and store its state with the Remember Animator component.

  • edited May 2021

    Oh, do you mean by also creating an animation then? I was thinking of something more along the lines of the "Character:Change rendering".
    Since this isn't all that uncommon and I don't really want to animate anything, it might be worth adding a dedicated action for it?

    Either way, thank you for the anim solution though - would've never thought of doing it that way :)

  • edited May 2021

    Edit: sorry, I thought I had a similar script, but I don't.

  • edited July 2022

    it might be worth adding a dedicated action for it?

    Custom Actions can be plugged in to extend AC whenever necessary - here's a sample one that changes the order of a supplied Renderer.

    Name the file ActionSortingOrder.cs, place it in a dedicated folder, and point to it in the Actions Manager. It'll then be available as Object: Change sorting order.

    using UnityEngine;
    namespace AC
        public class ActionSortingOrder : Action
            public Renderer renderer;
            public int newSortingOrder;
            public override ActionCategory Category { get { return ActionCategory.Object; }}
            public override string Title { get { return "Change sorting order"; }}
            public override float Run ()
                renderer.sortingOrder = newSortingOrder;
                return 0f;
            public override void Skip ()
                 Run ();
            #if UNITY_EDITOR
            public override void ShowGUI ()
                renderer = (Renderer) UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.ObjectField ("Renderer:", renderer, typeof (Renderer), true);
                newSortingOrder = UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.IntField ("New sorting order:", newSortingOrder);
  • Thanks for the action. Changing the sorting order in runtime isn't so much the problem as having it saved though, why I figured it might be worth to pair it with a Remember component in AC.

  • Custom Remember components are possible, too - see this tutorial.

    Though, with the animation workflow, and use of the Remember Animator component, no scripting is necessary.

  • Ah, cool - I'll write a RememberSorting component then. Thanks for the pointers!

  • I'd love to use this script but I'm getting a console error. I've put the script in a folder called Custom Actions, where my other custom actions live.

    Suggestions as to what I'm doing wrong?

    (My AC v 1.75.4, Unity 2020.3.20f1)

    ActionSortingOrder.cs(16,31): error CS0161: 'ActionSortingOrder.Run()': not all code paths return a value

    ActionSortingOrder.cs(30,76): error CS1503: Argument 1: cannot convert from 'string' to 'UnityEngine.Object'

    ActionSortingOrder.cs(30,89): error CS1503: Argument 2: cannot convert from 'UnityEngine.Renderer' to 'System.Type'

  • It was a typo on my part. Try the updated script above.

  • I used this script in my game and it works great. I'm trying to extend it a bit to make it accept an AL parameter. I think I'm almost there and when I launch the AL directly it works great, accepting the default value of the parameter.

    The problem is that when I launch the AL from another AL, assigning the parameter (or even without assigning it and using the default values), I get this error:

    UnassignedReferenceException: The variable objectToAffect of ChangeSortingOrder has not been assigned.
    You probably need to assign the objectToAffect variable of the ChangeSortingOrder script in the inspector.

    I found this particularly weird since the action works by itself

    My edits are mainly taken from the script tutorial 2/3. here's my script:

    public GameObject objectToAffect;
        public Renderer renderer;
                protected SortingGroup sortingGroup;
        public int newSortingOrder;
                public int parameterID = -1;
                private int constantID;
        public override ActionCategory Category { get { return ActionCategory.Custom; }}
        public override string Title { get { return "Change sorting order"; }}
        public override float Run ()
                    renderer = objectToAffect.GetComponent<Renderer>();
                    sortingGroup = renderer.GetComponent<SortingGroup>();
                    if (sortingGroup)
                        sortingGroup.sortingOrder = newSortingOrder;
                    renderer.sortingOrder = newSortingOrder;
          return 0f;
        public override void Skip ()
             Run ();
        #if UNITY_EDITOR
        public override void ShowGUI (List<ActionParameter> parameters)
                    parameterID = Action.ChooseParameterGUI("GameObject to affect:", parameters, parameterID, ParameterType.GameObject);
                    if (parameterID >= 0)
                        constantID = 0;
                        objectToAffect = null;
                        objectToAffect = (GameObject) EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("GameObject to affect:", objectToAffect, typeof (GameObject), true);
                        constantID = FieldToID (objectToAffect, constantID);
                        objectToAffect = IDToField (objectToAffect, constantID, true);
                    newSortingOrder = UnityEditor.EditorGUILayout.IntField ("New sorting order:", newSortingOrder);
                override public void AssignValues (List<ActionParameter> parameters)
                    objectToAffect = AssignFile (parameters, parameterID, constantID, objectToAffect);
  • Your AssignValues function needs to be outside of the UNITY_EDITOR directive.

  • Thanks, but unfortunately that wasn't it. I'm still getting the same error. Here's the actual .cs file for good measure

  • Not sure if related, but I also noticed that when clicking on the little button besides the action parameters that brings up the assets list, I get this other error (the button works fine though)

    GUI Error: Invalid GUILayout state in ActionListEditorWindow view. Verify that all layout Begin/End calls match
    UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent (int,intptr,bool&)

  • My bad, the error was in the AL, not the script :( I had forgot one additional instance of the action that had lost the target when I refactored the script, and it was that one that was blocking the whole thing. The script works as it is!

    I still get the console error of my last message, but it's not blocking and doesn't impact any aspect of the action apparently.

  • @kloot Could you please share me the RememberSorting script? I really need it and I can't write one by myself, thank you so much! :)

  • Hey @Lawfish, here's the RememberSorting script I used for this:

    using UnityEngine;
    namespace AC
        public class RememberSorting : Remember
            public int previousSortingOrder;
            public override string SaveData()
                var renderer = GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>();
                var data = new SortingData();
                data.sortingOrder = renderer.sortingOrder;
                data.previousSortingOrder = previousSortingOrder;
                data.objectID = constantID;
                return Serializer.SaveScriptData<SortingData>(data);
            public override void LoadData(string stringData)
                var data = Serializer.LoadScriptData<SortingData>(stringData);
                if (data == null)
                var renderer = GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>();
                renderer.sortingOrder = data.sortingOrder;
                previousSortingOrder = data.previousSortingOrder;
        public class SortingData : RememberData
            public int previousSortingOrder;
            public int sortingOrder;
            public SortingData() { }
  • Thank you so much! :D

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