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Play Sound based on string variable value

edited July 2021 in Technical Q&A

Hi all,

I have a variable holding a string. This string is generated our of a conversion / players choice.
It could be e.g. "111" or "123" or "132" etc... depending on what the player has choosen to answer in a conversation.

Now I would like to play a sound based on this variable. So if the string is "111" I want a sound to be played with "111.mp3"

Yes I could do a huge action list with a lot of variable checks (if 111 play 111.mp3, etc...), but is there a smarter way?

Can I somehow assign the string to the sound clip of a sound object?

If it would be a text field in playsound I could use [var1] replacement. But play sound takes only soundclips / sound objects. As parameter I can only pass a game object. So I'm stuck.

Anyone an idea?



  • To play a sound by filename only - without manually linking each value variant to an asset file - you need to use Resources folders.

    If you gave each asset file a prefix e.g. "Sound_" (i.e Sound_123, Sound_111) and then placed them in a Resources asset folder, you could then play it from the scene's Default Sound through the following code:

    public void PlaySound ()
        string filename = "Sound_" + AC.GlobalVariables.GetVariable ("MyVariable").TextValue;
        AudioClip audioClip = Resources.Load <AudioClip> (filename);
        AC.KickStarter.sceneSettings.defaultSound.audioSource.PlayOneShot (audioClip);

    (Where "MyVariable" is the name of your Global String variable)

    To call this code, place inside a new C# MonoBehaviour, add to a prefab, and then use the Object: Call event Action to call the prefab's PlaySound function.

  • Thank you @ChrisIceBox. It worked fine.

    The sound I play is speech and I would like it to be affected by the games speech volume settings.
    So I tried to use different audiosource than defaultsound with sound type set to "Speech".

    public void PlaySound()
            string filename = AC.GlobalVariables.GetVariable("Name").TextValue;
            AudioClip audioClip = Resources.Load<AudioClip>(filename);
            AudioSource nameSound = AC.GlobalVariables.GetVariable("AudioSourceForName").GameObjectValue.GetComponent<AudioSource>();

    Now I get this error message:

    Can not play a disabled audio source
    UnityEngine.AudioSource:PlayOneShot (UnityEngine.AudioClip)

    The audiosource is a preffab and part of the scene.

    Can you give a hint in the right direciton?

  • edited July 2021

    A Global Variable GameObject can only record prefabs - retrieving its value will always get the original prefab, not a specific scene instance.

    There's no need to use a Global Variable to store which Sound object to play from - just create an AudioSource in your script and play from that. The AudioSource can be part of a Sound object in the scene.

    public AudioSource myAudioSource;
    public void PlaySound ()
        string filename = "Sound_" + AC.GlobalVariables.GetVariable ("MyVariable").TextValue;
        AudioClip audioClip = Resources.Load <AudioClip> (filename);
        myAudioSource.PlayOneShot (audioClip);

    Alternatively, you can use GameObject.Find to get an object with a specific name.

  • Ok. Thanks.
    Is there a way to set myAudioSource Sound Type to "speech"?

  • ok. nevermind. I solved it with GameObject.Find().

    Thank you @ChrisIceBox!
    Awesome support as always!

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