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3D NPC moving along the path with wrong rotation

I have a duck moving on a pre-path. In order to look "horizontal", the rotation vector of the assets must be (-90,0,0). When the action list starts executing, the rotation vector is changed by (0,x,0), where x is the direction of the vector between the two points of the path the duck is.

I tried to add an "Object: Transform" node in the action list but it did not work. Locking x angle in Rigidbody did not work either. I am not using any animator controller.

Any help is highly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!


  • Characters rotate to face the direction they're moving in. To keep your model at a fixed angle, move their graphic components to a child object and then attach a script that keeps it locked:

    using UnityEngine;
    public class LockAngles : MonoBehaviour
        public Vector3 fixedAngles = new Vector3 (-90f, 0f, 0f);
        void LateUpdate ()
            transform.eulerAngles = fixedAngles;
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