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ExtractSaveFileVariables change

I have an old custom action to extract a specific variable from a save file. This is the relevant bit:

        public override float Run ()

            int saveNumber = AC.GlobalVariables.GetIntegerValue(15);
            SaveFile saveFile = KickStarter.saveSystem.GetSaveFile(saveNumber);
            List<GVar> saveVars = SaveSystem.ExtractSaveFileVariables(saveFile);

            GVar correctVar = null;
                foreach (GVar saveVar in saveVars)
                    if ( == 13)
                        correctVar = saveVar;
                string saveDay = correctVar.GetValue();

                AC.GlobalVariables.SetStringValue(14, saveDay);

                return 0f;


But I'm not sure how to incorporate the new callback parameter to make this work. I took a look at the scripting guide, but it doesn't seem to be updated yet? If you could point me in the right direction, I'd really appreciate it.


  • edited December 2022

    Yes, it uses a callback now in case the process can't be run instantly:

    private bool gotVariables;
    public override void AssignValues()
        gotVariables = false;
    public override float Run ()
        if (!isRunning && !gotVariables)
            isRunning = true;
            int saveNumber = AC.GlobalVariables.GetIntegerValue(15);
            SaveFile saveFile = KickStarter.saveSystem.GetSaveFile(saveNumber);
            SaveSystem.ExtractSaveFileVariables(saveFile, Callback);
        if (isRunning)
            return defaultPauseTime;
        return 0f;
    private void Callback (List<GVar> saveVars)
        GVar correctVar = null;
        foreach (GVar saveVar in saveVars)
            if ( == 13)
                correctVar = saveVar;
        string saveDay = correctVar.GetValue();
        AC.GlobalVariables.SetStringValue(14, saveDay);
        isRunning = false;
        gotVariables = true;
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