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Change object visibility using script?

I need to set an object to visible but I won't know what object until a script is run to find out.

I figured I could use GameObject.Find using a variable with the name of the object but I've not had any luck with SetActive(true) or GetComponent().enabled = true.


  • The GameObject will need to be enabled in order to find it - you're best off keeping it active, but disabling its Renderer component. If your script has a reference to the GameObject, you can enable it with:

    myGameObject.GetComponent<Renderer> ().enabled = true;
  • I just spent a good hour trying to get this to work without any success...

    Turns out I had the OnStart making the object visible then hiding all of the objects in the parent, instead of hiding them all first then making the one I want visible 🤦

    Thank you so much for your help though!

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