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Mouse Icons (Look/Talk/etc..) Hightlight Texture above instead of below?

Hey guys, does anyone know of a way where I can overlay a secondary graphic for a interactions such as Look , Talk and the likes. 

The current highlight texture in the interaction menu is under the default cursor graphics. In my case I wanted to do inverted colors icons that turn on and illuminate when moused over.

Thanks in advance for any help. 


  • I'm not sure whether your referring to mouse-based icons, or menu-based ones.  What are your various Interaction settings set to?
  • edited February 2015
    Hi Chris I'm using the "Choose Hotspot then Interaction" method. 

    So that when I click on a hotspot, my icons (look, talk) appear as they should. At first they appear as inactive (Greyscale) but when I mouse over I would like to swap the graphic for a active (Glowing) version. I have been attempting this using the Highlight texture, like you have in the 2D demo, but that texture is drawn under the icons. So my glowing graphic appears but under my (greyscale) icon.   


  • OK, I see, thanks.  Rather than use a Highlight texture, what you want to do is use animated icons.  Within your Cursor Manager, check "Animate?" beside your icon.  You will then have options to divide your supplied texture into frames.

    When use in conjunction with Choose Hotspot Then Interaction mode, Cursor icons will animate only when the mouse is over them.  You can therefore use a two-frame texture (left side inactive, right side active), check "End on last frame" in the icon's animation settings, and get what you're looking for.  You could even have frames in between for a nice transition between the two.
  • Solved

    Thank you Chris, that's exactly what I was looking for.
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