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Using UFPS AdvancedPlayer

edited April 2015 in Technical Q&A
Sorry to bring this up again, but I'm getting back to this and still have an issue. 

I'm using:
  • Unity 5.0.1f1
  • AC 1.44
  • UFPS 1.5.0
  • The AdvancedPlayer prefab downloaded from

I can't find a setup that works. Here's what I've tried:

Setup #1:
  • MainCamera: tagged "MainCamera"
  • FPSCamera: tagged "Untagged"
  • Result: Error: (PlayerPrefab AC (vp_FPWeaponHandler)) Hierarchy error. This component must be added to a gameobject with vp_Weapon components in child gameobjects.
  • Reason: vp_FPWeaponHandler runs Camera.main.GetComponentsInChildren<vp_Weapon>(), but Camera.main points to MainCamera.

Setup #2:
  • MainCamera: Untagged
  • FPSCamera: MainCamera
  • Result: MainCamera has no MainCamera component.
  • Reason: KickStarter finds the first GameObject tagged "MainCamera", which in this case is FPSCamera, which doesn't have a MainCamera component. If I add a MainCamera component to FPSCamera, it moves FPSCamera under _Cameras, which totally screws up UFPS.

Setup #3:
  • MainCamera: MainCamera
  • FPSCamera: MainCamera
  • Result: Same as Setup #1.

Other failed setups:
  • MainCamera:Untagged, FPSCamera:Untagged: No. AC can't find MainCamera component.

  • MainCamera:MainCamera, FPSCamera:FirstPersonCamera: No. UFPS can't find weapons.

  • MainCamera:FirstPersonCamera, FPSCamera:MainCamera: No. AC can't find MainCamera component.

Any solutions?


  • edited April 2015
    Don't apologise - if there's a problem, thanks for the alert!  Setup #1 is the correct workflow, but how often does the error appear?  If it's only the once, does it prevent weapons from appearing at all?
  • It only appears at the beginning, but that's when vp_FPWeaponHandler sets up weapon models appropriately for the camera. Weapons technically work, but they're not set up the way UFPS wants them to be.
  • I see.  I'll have to look into allowing the UFPS camera to be tagged as MainCamera then.
  • It turns out the warning in Setup #2 can be ignored if you know what you're doing.  Were there any other problems with your game beyond that initial message?
  • It seems there's a new issue with turning with UFPS in v1.44.  This package should fix it until the next proper release is out.
  • > It turns out the warning in Setup #2 can be ignored if you know what you're doing.  Were there any other problems with your game beyond that initial message?

    Let's assume I have no idea what I'm doing. :-) But no, there don't seem to be any other problems. Could this cause any side effects that I should be aware of?

    > It seems there's a new issue with turning with UFPS in v1.44.  This package should fix it until the next proper release is out.

    I haven't noticed any turning issues, but I'll check out the new package. Thanks!
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