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New Game Wizard Error: 'Could not create Manager.'

edited June 2014 in Technical Q&A
Could not create Manager. Does the subdirectory AdventureCreator/Managers exist?
AC.NewGameWizardWindow:Finish() (at Assets/AdventureCreator/Scripts/Managers/Editor/NewGameWizardWindow.cs:266)
AC.NewGameWizardWindow:OnGUI() (at Assets/AdventureCreator/Scripts/Managers/Editor/NewGameWizardWindow.cs:121)

I go through the steps of the New Game Wiz and that's what I get. I'm using Unity 4.5, latest non beta version on their site.

All of the tags and layers are assigned correctly.
New Game Wizard:
Choose name
2d Perspective, 3d Space
Choose Hotpot then Interaction
New Blank GUI
Movement Method: Direct -> Finish -> Error

I have tried uninstalling unity and reinstalling, I have tried reimporting the Adventure Creator files. The only asset i have loaded into unity is Adventure Creator.

I don't know what the problem is, but any help would be appreciated.


  • edited June 2014
    Have you checked if the subfolder Managers exists, as the error log tell you?

    And if it does not, have you tried creating it?
  • Did it successfully create a folder of your specified game name beforehand?  If so, did it manage to create and place any of the manager assets inside it?
  • I encounterd same issue but all managers were created in my game managers folder and everything has been working fine.
  • I apologize, I meant to include that it did successfully create my game title folder, with a managers folder. Inside the managers folder are ActionsManager, SceneManager, SettingsManager. Am I missing any managers?
  • After following along in the Tutorials I know now that it's not creating all the managers. There's definitely a managers folder, I'm looking at it. I even went back and deleted the three managers out of it, leaving the folder blank, made a new game with the wizard under the same name, and still have the same error.
  • Hmm, I received same error but all 8 managers were created.
  • My game is 3d though.
  • Having the same error with 2D wizard. Managers seem to be on the game folder though.
  • I uninstalled Unity 4.5 and installed 4.3.4 and the managers were created correctly, as expected.

    Seems to be some sort of issue with 4.5.
  • That must be it. I have Unity 4.5 too. 
  • There have been quite a few problems reported with AC and Unity 4.5.  Official support is on the way, but for now 4.4 is the way to go.  The next AC update (1.34) will be out shortly, and will be 4.4 compatible.  The version after that, 1.35, will hopefully be 4.5 compatible.
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