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Feature Request: Head turning using IK


I like the feature of head turning inside AC but the setup seems a little weird. One has to supply 4 animations. Why is that? When using Mecanim there is a very easy way to make a character look at something using IK. Example code I am using (I cut some parts but the gist should be there), where a character will look at whatever is supplied in lookAt with smooth head turns when another lookAt has been set. This could simplify the head movement setup a lot (reduce it to a checkbox) :-)

    public Transform lookAt;
    private Vector3 curLookAt;

    void OnAnimatorIK() {
        Animator animator = GetComponent<Animator>(); // cache of course, reduced for this example

        if (curLookAt.Equals( && lookAt != null) {
            curLookAt = lookAt.position;
        curLookAt = Vector3.Lerp(curLookAt, (lookAt == null) ? : lookAt.position, Time.deltaTime);

        // AnimatorStateInfo state = animator.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0); // might be useful in case AC needs to check if a certain animation is playing and restrict head movement then
        // if (lookAt.Equals( || !state.IsName("Idle")) {
        if (lookAt == null) {
            lookWeight = Mathf.Lerp(lookWeight, 0f, Time.deltaTime * 3);
        } else {
            lookWeight = Mathf.Lerp(lookWeight, 1f, Time.deltaTime);


  • Thanks for the code, but this'd only be compatible with Unity Pro.  For maximum accessibility, AC implements a method that works for Free, too.
  • Would be a nice gimmick for users though to optionally enable it if PRO is detected :-)
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