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Parameters in Dialogue Options


as far as I can see, Dialogue Options are just Action Lists that are run if an option is chosen in a conversation. But why isn't it possible to use parameters in dialogue options like in "normal" Action Lists, e.g. Cutscenes?
I'm currentlly writing dialogues without the characters, that would say things and therefore created empty game objects with the NPC component atteched to them. I'd like to set the speaker in a parameter so I could change it by simply changing the parameter once the character is created and in scene. Right now I have to touch every Dialogue: Play Speech Action and swap the object that's talking. The way I'm doing it now works fine in Cutscenes but not in Dialogue Option Action Lists.



  • No hard-set reason - I'll add the ability to assign parameters to DialogueOption ActionLists in the next release.
  • Great, thanks!
  • Sorry to post in an older thread, but I noticed that this has been added but it doesn't appear in the 'gathered text' manager if you add dialogue through a parameter. Is this expected behavior? (If so would it be best to just prepend the 'actionlist run' node with a speech node if you need the dialogue to get gathered?)

  • The original post in this thread was related to DialogOption ActionLists. Are you instead referring to the use of parameters to override the Dialogue: Play speech Action's Message text field?

    In that situation, the Action will not be included in the "Gather text" process. Because parameters are dynamic, AC cannot know in advance what the runtime text value will be - so there's nothing it can translate.

    What's the scenario, exactly? The Dialogue: Play speech ID Action allows you to play separately-gathered speech lines by referencing their ID value, and you can override this with an Integer parameter.

  • Ah, sorry for posting in an unrelated thread, then!

    Yes, you're exactly right. That makes sense as to why it wouldn't be able to anticipate it. I created a reusable Actionlist for picking up items with parameters for an inventory item, animation to trigger, and speech/text to initiate.

    Aha, that's exactly what I need! Just one other dumb question, in that case. For the speech ID to be created, it needs to be gathered. So is there a way to create lipsync assets with ID's that can be referenced via 'Play speech ID'?

  • edited September 2020

    Lipsync and audio assets can be associated with a line once gathered. If you re-use that line by referencing its ID, then the audio/lipsync files ought to transfer as well.

    You'd have to create the "original" Dialogue: Play speech Action somewhere else - this can even be in a Cutscene that's never actually run, where many such Actions are strung together. This could then be gathered, and lipsync assets associated with it in the normal way, and then referenced in the Dialogue: Play speech ID Action.

    Of course, it's also possible to simply have an ActionList asset file with a single Dialogue: Play speech Action, and then run it via ActionList: Run anytime you want that line to play - there's no specific need in this situation to reference it by ID.

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