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Background action list skipping issue

Good day to you all,
I am using v5.6.5p3 Unity3D and v1.62.2 Adventure Creator. 

There is a cut scene where the player has to use an item from the inventory on a character within 3 seconds. if they fail Failing action list is turned on and they have to try again. If they used the right item on the character the success action list is turned on and they are allowed to proceed to new area.

The issue is, the timer is a background action list. clicking on skip button will restart the whole cut scene. 

Of course background action list can't be skipped and I don't want them to be skipped, however I also do not want the whole scene is repeated when the player clicks on the skip cut scenes button. What can I do in this case? 

Thanks in advance


  • There's no "skip" button in the default AC interface, so you'll need to give clear details on what it does and when it shows.  If it isn't applicable during the sequence you describe, I'd say you should hide it during that moment.

    The alternative way to approach this kind of situation, however, is to simply delay the "Failing" ActionList - no need for a background ActionList.

    A Cutscene has a Trigger time (s) property in its Inspector.  Set this to 3 for your Failing ActionList.  If this list isn't a Cutscene, just have another Cutscene run it via the ActionList: Run Action.

    Then have this Cutscene be triggered at the start of the 3-second sequence, so that it'll run at the end.  If the Player succeeds with the puzzle, you can then use the ActionList: Kill Action inside the "Winning" ActionList to cancel "Failing".
  • Could this also be solved with a parallel action fork? Whereby the success/fail actionlist a are still triggered from the main fork, but the parallel fork takes care of the timer?
  • there are no skip button, am using End Cutscene, I've sent escape as the button to end cut scenes in the input manager.

    Here are more details:
    The event consist of 3 cut scenes and 2 interaction:
    The interaction is triggered by a click on a hot spot. The Player clicks on crate, the climbing animation is played and runs the cut scene 1.
    cut scene 1 is where the situation is introduced (dialogue and cat animation), once it is done it will run cut scene 2. It type is background and has has Engine wait action list (timer) and it will run lose cut scene where the fall animation is played and cat is reset to idle. 
    If the player combined the inventory item with the cat before the timer is up the wining cut scene is played, timer is killed and a new place becomes available. 

    clicking on escape button during the timer will re-run the 1st interaction (Climbing).

    All cut scenes and interactions can't be skipped (is Skippable is unchecked). 

    I've used the delay and it worked, clicking on escape during the timer will not re-run the hot spot interaction. However, I don't know why, even though it wasn't an issue before but now clicking on escape during cut scene 1 will re-run the 1st interaction. The only change I've made was: run the lose cut scene directly from 1st cut scene and set the delay to 3 seconds. If the player combines the item with the cat, lose cut scene will be killed and the new place becomes available. 
  • Invoking "EndCutscene" will re-run the whole block of "skippable" ActionLists that have been played since gameplay last became blocked.

    The latest release introduces a public method to clear its record of past ActionLists to skip:

    I'm not clear from the wording on your last paragraph on what the issue now is, but using this method should allow you to prevent skipping Cutscene1 from skipping the Interaction preceding it.
  • I am sorry for the late reply. I've created a custom action list that Reset Skippable Data and add it to the begging of Cut Scene one. The Timer is working fine now.

    Thank you very much.
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