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Default character sound to play when speaking?

I will not be having voice over for my game, but am looking to play a sort of Simlish gibberish that would be unique to each character. Is there a way I can set for a default sound to play whenever a specific character speaks? I would prefer to not have to make a separate item in action lists to play that sound every time they talk.



  • You can assign a "Text scroll audio" for each character, that gets played when speech text is scrolled.

    For a more robust approach, however, you can hook into the OnStartSpeech / OnStopSpeech custom events to playback audio based on the character. These events include the speaking character in their parameters, so you can attach a script to a character, check if a speech is being spoken by them, and play audio if so.

    For example:

    using UnityEngine;
    using System.Collections;
    using AC;
    public class GibberishExample : MonoBehaviour
        public AudioClip gibberish;
        private void OnEnable ()
            EventManager.OnStartSpeech += StartSpeech;
        private void OnDisable ()
            EventManager.OnStartSpeech -= StartSpeech;
        private void StartSpeech (Char speaker, string text, int lineID)
            if (speaker == GetComponent <Char>())
                AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint (gibberish, transform.position);
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