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Move speed when scaling


I'm new to the forum and been playing with the Adventure Creator with very good results so far. However, I have not been able to figure out about how to make that my character move speed is modified by whatever scaling is applied in it.

For instance, consider my character when moving from center to right advances at a speed of 1 meter per second. When moving from center to back I would like to keep such speed, but adjusted to whatever scaling is applicable on that movement also. It seems that such adjustment is not applied automatically and there is no option to adjust speed based on scaling or such.

I know this is hard to express, but if you understand me or need more explanation please let me know. Maybe what I'm asking is already supported and I just don't know how to achieve it.

Thanks in advance for any help!


  • Welcome to the community, @chaotive.

    By "1 meter per second", I take it you're referring to the percieved distance, rather than something constant throughout the scene - i.e. you want the character to move more slowly in actual Unity units when further away from the camera / at a smaller scale.

    Such an option is found within your Sorting Map: Affect Character speed?.  However, that is checked by default, so maybe I'm misunderstanding your question - in which case, yes please on the offer of more explanation.

    Know that with the above option, you have an additional option to either automatically sync the speed with the character's scale (i.e. 50% scale = 50% speed), or to rely on an Animation Curve for total control over the change in scale as they move down the Sorting Map.
  • Also, the manual mentions the "Vertical movement factor". I use this and the character "slows down" accordingly.

    "Since Unity 2D and Top Down modes effectively “fake” perspective this way, you may
    wish for your Characters to move vertically more slowly than horizontally (in screenspace).
    Within the Settings Manager, you can adjust the Vertical movement factor
    slider to do just this. This factor can also be overridden per-scene within the Scene
  • Thank you very much guys! I think you got the issue I tried to describe. We will play with your suggestions and let you know if it worked.
  • Hi! We have played with the options and they seem to work fine. However, what we have realized now that the is actually because of the vertical movement speed, which translates into the scaling speed. Is there a way to have a slower vertical speed, different than horizontal speed?
  • Is that not the "Vertical movement factor"?  While you can't set the vertical speed directly, that slider lets you set it as a factor of the horizontal speed - so a value of 0.5 will make the vertical speed half the horizontal speed.
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