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  • * Well, I solved the character issue. It was strange because I deleted it, created a new one and it worked like a charm. * The inventory is another thing. I have spent these days revisiting tutorials (this one for example Adventure Creator: Recreati…
  • I am using the Autostick to Navmesh? option, yes. The thing is don´t want to move the Player with the Rigidbody to avoid physics, however I need it for the triggers to detect the player and work (I am using them to change and move to the different p…
  • Hi, Thanks for the solution to the movement issue. Now it works better. (Quote) Sorry, I think I misexplained myself. It is an isometric game, so the navmesh encompasses the floor in order to stablish the limit of the area; the walls are just par…
  • Ok, thanks. I downloaded it before setting the game wizard and works without deleting anything. By the way, I don´t know if you still make the resume of the released games made with AC. In my case I made two: From Lex to Rex and Press Lex to Metave…
  • Thank you, Chris. Now it works like a charm. Just one more thing, now regarding the Player Prefab: First Person template. I can download it but then this error shows up in the console: Assets\AdventureCreator\Scripts\Templates\SamplePlayerFP\Scrip…
  • Hey Chris I´ve found the thing about the cursor, this will be helpful. -So the stage has hotspots with interactions and markers assigned to them and an NPC. Aside of this, I placed four triggers to change the character´s text marker position (to fo…
  • I´m afraid the latest release hasn´t changed anything. The cursor still dissapears. The hotspot is like any other I´ve used on the scene, it doesn´t make any sense. -Now I can autosave, however when I load it, it plays other animations that weren´t…
  • Thanks for the quick response. I´m afraid I can´t upload any images but I will as soon as I come back. What Actions are run as part of the Hotspot's Interaction, and does gameplay resume as normal afterwards, so that you can continue to interact wi…
  • I forgot two things: * I don´t know why but there´s a hotspot that when clicked makes the cursor dissapear. Very annoying. I´ve changed it multiple times and it always happens. The same thing happened in the same stage where a hotspot dissapeared s…
  • Hello Chris, how are you doing. I couldn´t fix anything about the save system and I had to launch my game with another solution. Some other issues I found: -When I tried to update to the next version (mine is 1.73.1) it froze and crashed the whol…

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