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  • Hi, Thank you for the response. I tried using an InputOverride script with my limited coding skills, and commented out the aforementioned check in PlayerInput. I have no errors but it's not changing anything either so far. Here's my code: //////////…
  • Hi, I was dealing with the same problem today, where I had to enable a (already disabled) game object in the scene using an AC action. It's super simple and it works:     // Replace "true" on line 55 with "false&q…
  • Thanks! I thought I wouldn't need the player start, since I don't have a player. :)
  • I tried that before, but I can't locate it. Shouldn't Default Camera field be located in the below panel?
  • Hello again, I figured a way out: I noticed that when I start the game, the active camera was still the default "Main Camera." By creating an OnStart Cutscene, I switch to the 2D_Drag camera at the beginning.
  • Thanks for the quick response.  I added a GameCamera2DDrag. However, the scene manager won't recognize it (see the attached image), and I still can't drag the camera. I set the movement method to none; input method to touch screen; and camera persp…
  • I tried setting the managers to default, but it didn't help. It seems that the dialog action is called (because I can see that the action briefly becoming active in the Action List Editor), but the text is not rendered or shown on camera . I also tr…
  • Thank you, I will try.
  • To make sure that the speech action is run, I set "display speech forever until user skips it" on. When the cutscene is run, I see that the action is run (it turns blue), but it stays there forever, as I suspected. So the action is trigger…
  • Thanks for the reply. I had to take 4 screen shots since I can't have everything visible on my small screen. The speech action is at the last pic:
  • I also tried adding dialog to another cutscene on another scene, it works. But in this specific one, it doesn't! Enabling player, or assigning the speech to an npc didn't help either. Any recommendations?
  • Hello,Sorry for the wrong categorization. All of those things you mentioned are checked, and my dialog actions work properly otherwise. But for some reason, I can't seem to work that action during the cutscene (it works in interactions when the cuts…
  • Oh, I guess I found it! First select speech color in NPC settings, and then click "use character text color" in game editor.
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