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  • Just to follow up on this - the issue here turned out to be related to the initial YAML error that happens upon importing AC into Unity if you have asset serialization set to "Force Text" - this corrupts something on the import and results…
  • Hey - yep, errors are identical - right down the exact same numbers/hashes or whatever. The menu "names" are identical numbers to those above. Can also confirm that if I open the 3D Demo - they are also busted.  So it seems like something …
  • Just to follow-on here, I also have started getting this after updating to 1.54 (although I was coming from a pretty old version so it could have been introduced at some point in between) every time if you use the new game wizard. Unity 5.4.1. The o…
  • Got it - and actually, it turned out to be pretty straightforward to do. For others' benefit here's the basic gist of it: // First, load the ActionListAsset from the .asset file in resourcesactList = (ActionListAsset)Resources.Load("your_asset_…
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