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Press Any key to conitue

Hi everyone,

I was wondering if some of you know how to create a switch menu on input.anykey, I tried using PlayMaker but for some odd reason, the global variables do not want to sync with each other. Then I tried setting the variable via script but for some reason that does not want to work and finally tried to create a custom action but that does not seem to work as well.

PS: I did try to create an input in the input manager of AC but no luck
PS 2: I am using AC v1.73.2 and Unity 2019.4.19f1


  • I created a simple menu that says press any key to continue and then it must switch to my main menu. Forgot this part.

  • You shouldn't have to rely on variables for this - but AC menus can only listen for inputs explicitly defined in Unity's Input Manager.

    To react to presses of Input.anyKey, you can make use of a custom script. If such an input is detected, you can then have it run an ActionList asset that e.g. checks if the "prompt" menu is open (Menu: Check state), and then turns on the main menu (Menu: Change state).

    using UnityEngine;
    public class AnyKeyExample : MonoBehaviour
        public AC.ActionListAsset assetToRun;
        public void Update ()
            if (Input.anyKey)
                assetToRun.Interact ();
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