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Thir Person cursor lock

Can anyone lend me some help? I have been surfing the forum fo a couple days and cant seem to get a couple answers I need.

Im using Third Person. The mouse is "Locked" center. Works good.

I need to press the "Alt" key to toggle to free look. Works fine.
However, I would like the toggle to free look to be assigned to the Right mouse.
I tried to place the right mouse in the axes but for some reason once I press enter the space goes blank. Almost seems like something is telling me "no, cant use that button here" and clears the box out.
 How can I key map the Right Mouse to the Toggle free Look?

I would also like the cursor the go center screen once I press toggle "Back" to locked cursor.
This all maybe in a script I need to tweak up. If thats the case,
Any idea what script I need to work in?

Thanks for any help!


  • EDIT: Toggle key is mapped to the right mouse now. I was just being brain dead.

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