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Hotspots on Touch

edited June 2015 in Technical Q&A
Hi, I made a comment on another thread but it was labeled as "solved" from a year ago so I figure I should just start a new thread because this issue is only tangentially related. 

Basically, I want to make a mobile game of this but no matter what settings I use for hotspots I can't seem to get the option to "Examine" to appear. I have a basic inventory item set up and when I click on it (testing on computer), it says the name of the item, then I click again and it just gives me the "Use" option. I have a "look" interaction set up for it but the icon to do that is just not showing up (it's the default icon, i didn't mess with that.. yet). Help?

EDIT:  fixed it! somehow the interaction disappeared from the hotspot menu when i was switching back and forth between different input types. ha. yeah. sorry about that. have a good day.
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