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Help with 3d sound in AC?

Hello all,

Sorry if this has already been covered in a tutorial. I tried to find one, but nothing seems to cover 3d sound. I'm obviously very new at this.

Basically what I want to do is make a phone ring. When the phone rings, the volume increases as you get closer to it. In order to do this I--

1. Created a Sound prefab
2. Imported the audio file and assigned it to the Sound prefab
3. Adjusted the sound setting to fit the maximum and minimum sound distance.
4. Made the Sound prefab a child of the phone.
5. Place all this in the scene.
6. Pushed play.

The sound clip plays, but the volume never adjusts. Nothing I do to try and fix it helps. I looked up a Unity tutorial on it, but I have a feeling I did something wrong with Adventure Creator.

My guess is that my audio listener is on the wrong thing. Originally it was on my "main camera". I deleted it and put a new audio listener on my player, but that didn't work either.

Any help would be great.


  • edited June 2015

    The audio listener should be assigned to your players first person cam.

    This is just an example:

    Audio source (on your sound object):

     'Volume Rolloff'  = Logarithmic Rollof  

    MinDistance = 1 (adjust to your needs)

    MaxDistance =5 (adjust to your needs)

    Volume = 0.01 (adjust to your needs)

    SoundScript (on your sound object):

    SoundType = SFX

    RelativeVolume = 0.5 (adjust to your needs)

    That should work.

  • I relooked at it and realized I stupidly had two audio listeners. I took that off and followed the instructions and it worked fine.

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