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Ink - Engine?

edited May 2016 in Engine development
Hi there,

just found "Ink" by Inkle Studios, which was used in their 80days narrative app. Could be a nice addition to Adventure Creator...?

It was open-sourced, and is available for Unity.



  • We've been eyeing this for a project too, it seems a simpler integration than Dialogue System at first glance, although you're probably trading that for more syntax complexity. Let me know your experiences if you decide to use it. We were planning on hiring some programmers to build the bridge between this and AC, if we end up doing that I'll for sure post that here.
  • What the, it looks really cool! I third this! I'm a student writer so this would be so great, so much more comfortable than node based text solutions!
  • And here is a very interesting talk about the thought that goes behind their writing:
  • Sorry to be bumping an old topic, but I figured it's better to use an existing discussion than to start a new one. 

    Has anyone gotten ink integrated with AC? Are there plans to provide out-of-the-box ink integration? I've found ink to be a great resource and it'd be fantastic to see it integrated into AC.
  • I haven't been able to play with it much, but from reading their docs and seeing the examples I also feel it'd be the ultimate writing tool for games (specially if you are a writer). Their API itself looks simple enough, but I'm not sure how I'd go about getting AC to use it as a source. Maybe Chris or someone with some more programming experience can take a look?
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