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Adventure creator has disappeared from my toolbar

I am using Adventure Creator for more than one game. Yesterday, I updated Adventure Creator for one of them. Oridinarially, I would update Adventure Creator for the other one, and it's fine.

However, this time it didn't work. Adventure Creator vanished from one of the game entirally. I tried to redownload it, but that didn't work. I tried transferring over files from a back up. That didn't work either.


My screen looks like this. Everything is normal except for Adventure Creator missing up at the top. That and the game editor being gone as well.

I tried to get it back up through the "Window" menu, but it doesn't appear there either.

 I am at a total loss. Anything would help.


  • Does the game actually runs if you press play? ummm, it would be most helptful if you could show us an image of the Console please. The most likely cause of for plugins not loading into the menu bar is simply a compile issue (editor menus won't load until compiling has ended succesfully). Compile issues can happen for many reasons, some of the most common being if you have a script with an error, or if you have two scripts with the same name in the same project (dobles), etc.
  • edited April 2017
    I figured out the problem. Had to completely gut Adventure Creator and redownload it. :)

    However, now I have a new problem which I will make a topic about.
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