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Camera issues


I'm having some camera issues - apologies in advance if this is super basic stuff that I have missed.

1. I've made a scene with multiple SimpleCameras (and a Main Camera), so that when the player walks around in the environment, the camera angles change (as the player exit bespoke Triggers). I only have one Directional Light in the scene, but depending on the camera's Y value and rotation, the scene will appear brighter or darker, essentially depending on how close or far it is to an object. Is there anything I can do with the cameras or rendering to make the lighting appear consistent throughout? Ideally I don't want the cameras to affect the lighting at all.

2. I have quite a few cameras with their own triggers in my level, but I can't make the Remember Trigger (Script) to work. I got the following error:
GameObject Cam_2 was not saved because it does not have a constant ID script!

Hope you can help!


  • 1) That's more of a Unity-usage question.  You can animate / switch on/off lights using AC, but you've said that you don't want to affect the lighting - so I don't really know what to suggest.

    2) You need to attach a Constant ID script to the camera in question.  The message is warning you that it won't know if this camera is active when you save - the Constant ID number will solve that problem.
  • Thank you for the help - the Constant ID did the trick! :)
  • If anyone should be interested, I posted the same question on the Unity forum with a bit more detail, though it's still unsolved. 

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