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Mouse/Touch Screen-Clickable Button instead of key input during QTE?

Hey team, 

I've been stumped trying to replace a key input for a QTE with a clickable button instead. Seems simple, but I've hit a wall. Any ideas are much appreciated!


  • Have you mapped your QTE's Input to "mouse button 0"?
  • Ah here's the bigger picture. It's a timed quiz, and you have one of two choices to make (one of two in-game buttons to push). If you click the right one, you move on. 

    I've tried to set these up with a Menu, using menu buttons with "click type: simulate input" to make those buttons represent a key input. Then I use a "single press" QTE type, with that simulated input button as the button name. 

    When run it works properly using the keyboard for the input, but I can't seem to get those clickable menu buttons to be recognized. 
  • I thought you meant clickable mouse-button, not a UI one, sorry.

    Menus are not interactive if the QTE itself blocks gameplay.  Make sure the ActionList that contains the "Input: QTE" Action has a When running setting of Run In Background.
  • It is indeed set to run in background. These may be helpful:

    QTE Menu


    Action List


    Input Manager


    QTE Canvas


    Image Object Childed to QTE Canvas w/ Button Component
    (this could easily be where things are going squirrely for me)


    Thanks a ton for giving this a look!
  • Looks all OK to me.  Best thing to do is change your Menu's source back to Adventure Creator.  Then use the property controls to do a simple-but-functional AC variant of the Menu.  Add highlight/click textures to the Button (again in the AC Menu Manager), so that we can see if the mouse clicks are actually being registered.
  • Ok, I've recreated the menu using Adventure Creator as the source. That's much easier, and clicks are being registered (click texture is working). 

    What I'm still having trouble with is getting that menu button click to register in the QTE as the input. The input is called "2nd" and I'm currently trying to solve the problem by having the menu button click type simulate the input "2nd." No luck so far. 

  • Good.  I should say at this point that it's important to be using the latest version of AC, if you aren't already.

    As everything looks like it's been done right, we may have to do some debug tests.  Open up PlayerQTE.cs, and insert the following into line 224 (shunting what's there already down):

    Debug.Log (KickStarter.playerInput.InputGetButtonDown (inputName) + " " + KickStarter.playerInput.InputGetButton (inputName));

    Note the Console when you then test it.  If all works, it should print "True True" when you click the button - but I suspect that won't be the case.
  • Done. It runs a steady stream of "false false" messages, and when I click the button I get "true false". 

    I'm currently running 1.48b, so I'll go ahead and update to 1.49 
  • Chris, happy to say that updating to 1.49 solved the issue. Still a curious problem, but a non-issue for me now. Thanks again for digging into it with me.  
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