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PlayerStart 2D is not there

I was making a new scene, and PlayerStart2D is not there. Player start is there, but not 2d, and now my character wont move. (It is not under "Navigation" either)
NavMesh 2d also disappears, but I get that back when I restart Unity (it still suddenly disappears again and is replaced with NavMesh, but not the 2d one). 

What can I do? I have version 1.59 if that have anything to say, and Unity version 2017.1.1f1.


  • By the way, if I make a new game with the game wizard the menu is back to normal, but I have come so far in the game and dont want to do it all over again. Unless there is a way to import my old game into the new?
  • edited October 2017
    The type of PlayerStart (2D or 3D) will be based on your Camera perspective setting in the Settings Manager.

    If your game is in 2D, but the 3D PlayerStart was showing, then one of two things likely happened:
    1. Your own Settings Manager's Camera perspective was somehow set back to 3D
    2. Your Settings Manager was unassigned, and either replaced with another in the Game Window or let empty.  This can happen if you load a demo game, or if you quit without saving.

    The New Game Wizard will create a new set of Managers, which is why the 2D prefabs will again appear.  But provided you didn't delete the old Manager assets, you can still re-assign them to continue as before.

    When using the New Game Wizard, a "Manager Package" asset will be created next to the "Managers" folder in your new game's subdirectory.  Double-clicking on this will re-assign your Managers to that game.  Assuming you used the New Game Wizard originally to create your 2D game, go back to that folder and find the original Manager Package asset.

    Re-assigning the Managers is a necessary step when upgrading AC, so more details can be found in Section 1.7 of the Manual ("Updating Adventure Creator").

  • It was that Camera perspective was set to 3D, thank you! I was so worried.. 
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