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Custom Action (Naninovel) - ActionList not working

Hi everybody! :)
Sorry if my english is not perfect.

Well i´ve been having trouble the last couple of weeks with the custom naninovel action for AC (Naninovel is a visual novel asset). The thing is that every time i run a "naninovel" custom action, the action that comes next doesn´t run, and i don´t know exactly why. Maybe im missing something in the actionlist, or maybe the custom action doesn´t somehow tell AC to run the next action after. I took screenshots so maybe you can help me ;)! ----- This is an actionlist screenshot, with the actions that comes next, that doesn´t work ----- I´ve tried this to know if the problem is in the naninovel custom action, and yes if i don´t run that naniscript the actions that comes next do run. ----- This is a screen of the script that im running

I ´ve had this problem before, with another actionlist, and i solved it by running both actions in parallel, but in this case i can´t do that, i need it to run the action right after the naninovel custom action is finished.

I hope i made myself clear with the problem im having, if anybody knows how can i solve this, please help me : )!
Thank you!


  • It would depend on the code itself that makes up the custom Action.

    For an Action to "end" and move on, you need to return a value of zero in its Run() function. If you previously returned another value, you'll also need to set isRunning to false - see the example code in the ActionTemplate file.

    If you can share the code itself via e.g., I can take a look and see what's wrong.

  • Hello Chris!
    First of all thank you for replying, and thank you for making AC, you are a modern hero!

    In order to run the Nani custom action, Naninovel provides a link with a package of things you need to add to your project and a guide to make it work on AC

    This is the link:

    And i think this is the code that you are asking me to copy is this:

    I copied the code of this link in pasteall:

    And a link of the guide that NaniNovel provides (Just in case):

    Im sorry if i get it wrong, im not really used to coding, and im a noob at Unity haha.
    Thank you again for taking your time
    Stay safe!

  • I see, thanks for the details.

    Try unchecking "Turn off AC?", as this is may well be interfering with the AC's ability to run things.

    Otherwise, it's likely due to the Naninovel system itself - the Action's completion is dependent on other Naninovel script functions to run, so it may be that it's being "held up" by those. You should get in touch with the author of this code if so, as they'll be the ones better equipped to know what the specific issue will be.

  • I´ve tried turn it off, but what it does is that it runs both naninovel action and the next one at the same time (in parallel). Im going to post at the naninovel forum, if it is possible to fix this. Do you have any advise i can give to the naninovel developer? Thank you!

  • edited July 2020

    Is this developer the same author of the code? They're welcome to contact me if they need assistance, but it does look the issue is on the naninovel sid of things.

  • Yes, ok ,thank you so much Chris! Im talking with him on his forum.
    I´ve made a video explaning the problem, using the exaple naninovel provides:

    If you see anything i´m missing please let me know!
    I will post here if the problem is solved.

  • It does look like an issue on the Naninovel side of things, at least going by the video.

    One thing I would say, though, is that turning AC off altogether is not the only option - you can also precede the Action with an Engine: Manage systems Action to disable AC's movement and interaction systems etc individually.

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