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problem video

I have a problem when I insert the videos in the game because there are areas at the top and bottom that are cut off, I can't see the full video, I cut the video either in vertical fit or inside fit.
Any suggestions on what the problem may be?



  • edited January 2021

    Does your video have the same resolution as your game?
    How do yo play your video? On a mesh? Does it overlap the screen?

  • It has a lower resolution than the screen and I reproduce it with the video player that has unity.

  • This isn't an AC issue - it's to do with the video and Video Player settings.

    A different resolution shouldn't matter - but it looks like your video has a different Aspect Ratio, which will affect things.

    Use the Video Player component's "Aspect Ratio" field to try different values.

  • thanks Chris ... I decided replace videoclip for an animation . thanks

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