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Fixing sprite to a position

Hi is there a way to fix a sprite to a certain position at all times, like a moon or sky that stays central to camera at all times? Almost opposite of parallax?


  • As I understood, you want a sprite follow camera all the time.

    You can write a script that GameObject follows the camera and attach on it.

    [SerializeReference] Vector2 _offset; [SerializeField] float smoothTime = .3f; private Vector3 velocity =; private void Update() { FollowCamera(gameObject); } private void FollowCamera(GameObject obj) { var mainCameraPos = Camera.main.transform.position; var followWithOffset = new Vector2 ( mainCameraPos.x + _offset.x, mainCameraPos.y + _offset.y ); //To avoid Object Shaking obj.transform.position = Vector3.SmoothDamp ( obj.transform.position, followWithOffset, ref velocity, smoothTime ); }
  • You might also be able to just parent the sprite to the MainCamera object.

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