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NPC follows player

Hi all! I'm trying to develop a point and click game in the same vein as the old "Clock Tower" series, where the scissorman appears and tries to track down the player. If the NPC collides with the player then the game would end, essentially. No combat involved. Any ideas on how to implement an NPC to work this way? Thanks so much!


  • You can attach the Trigger on NPC and start to follow player Action. If Trigger collide with player you can restart game from the scratch or restart scene.

  • Thank you for the input @FelixGumenita! I'll give it a go and let you know how it works out. Now, with restart scene, do you mean from last save point or that I can add a custom point to start at in that event?

  • edited January 2022

    of course, you can use Object -> Teleport action to teleport player to a custom point.

    or you can use restart whole scene from scratch. Engine -> End Game -> Reset Scene

  • All good points, though resetting the scene will merely clear any changes made to it - e.g. Hotspots turned on/off since the game began.

    To restore a save-point automatically, use the Save: Save or load Action. This Action can also be made to load the Autosave, which can be made when your scene begins by checking Autosave after? in your scene's OnStart cutscene.

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