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Custom Action Saves Variables

Hello! I have a custom action with private variables. Whenever I run the action, the variables' values seem to be saved in runtime. For instance, if I change a boolean from its default value of false to true during a run, the next time I run the action, the boolean will still have the value of true by default. How can I prevent this from happening?


  • edited April 2023

    This is my Code, The variable grabbedName stays true when I run another action of "ActionWaitForAnimation", but it should always be false the first time it runs.

      public class ActionWaitForAnimation : ActionCheck
                public override ActionCategory Category { get { return ActionCategory.Custom; } }
                public override string Title { get { return "Check Animation Playing"; } }
                public override string Description { get { return "Queries if animation is playing"; } }
                public Animator animator;
                public int constantID = 0;
                public enum AnimType { ByName, Current }
                public AnimType animType;
                public string animationName;
                private string checkName;
                public bool isPlayer;
                private bool grabbedName = false;
                public override float Run()
                    if (!isRunning)
                        Debug.Log("Run Grabbed name: " + grabbedName);
                        isRunning = true;
                        return defaultPauseTime / 6f;
                        isRunning = false;
                        return 0f;
                public override void Skip()
                public override bool CheckCondition()
                    Debug.Log("!!!!ACTION: Check condition");
                    if (animator == null && isPlayer) animator = KickStarter.player.GetAnimator();
                    if (animator == null) { Debug.LogError("Animator is null"); return true; }
                    checkName = CheckName();
                    return CheckIfRunning();
                string CheckName()
                    if (animType == AnimType.ByName) { Debug.Log("By name: " + animationName); return animationName; }
                    if (grabbedName) { Debug.Log("Name already grabbed"); return checkName; }
                    var info = animator.GetCurrentAnimatorClipInfo(0);
                    var animation = info[info.Length - 1];
                    string name =;
                    checkName = name;
                    grabbedName = true;
                    Debug.Log("Grabbed name: " + checkName);
                    return name;
                bool CheckIfRunning()
                    var info = animator.GetCurrentAnimatorClipInfo(0);
                    var animation = info[info.Length - 1];
                    var name =;
                    Debug.Log("Animation Name = " + checkName + "||  Clip Name = " + name);
                    if (name == checkName)
                        return true;
                    grabbedName = false;
                    return false;
        #if UNITY_EDITOR
                public override void ShowGUI(List<ActionParameter> parameters)
                    isPlayer = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Is Player:", isPlayer);
                    if (!isPlayer)
                        animator = (Animator)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Animator:", animator, typeof(Animator), true);
                        constantID = FieldToID(animator, constantID);
                        animator = IDToField(animator, constantID, true);
                    animType = (AnimType)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Check type:", animType);
                    if (animType == AnimType.ByName)
                        animationName = EditorGUILayout.TextField(" name:", animationName);
  • An Action's Run function will be called before CheckCondition - you can assign the intended default value inside it.

    This function can also be simplified because it doesn't need to run over multiple frames:

    public override float Run()
        grabbedName = false;
        Debug.Log("Run Grabbed name: " + grabbedName);
        return 0f;
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