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Navmesh for a side-view game


It's been a while since I've dabbled with Adventure Creator, and now I have an issue with navmesh. So, I'm developing a game that's locked to a 2D side view like Limbo, and I'm using Direct Control to move the main character. So there is no depth movement. For NPC movement, I need a navmesh, right? And how do I create one?


  • It depends a little on the specifics of the scene.

    Is the ground totally flat, and/or are the NPCs to stick to the ground at all times?

    If they do, you could use a script to snap their position to the ground, but it may be that Unity's physics system is enough.

    First, make sure that the ground has a collider on it.

    Then check that your NPC has a Rigidbody 2D and a Collider at their base, and then uncheck both Ignore gravity? and Turn root object in 3D? in the NPC component.

    Then, when using a Character: Move to point Action, uncheck Pathfind?. This will avoid the need for a NavMesh, and the physics system should take over and prevent them from moving through the ground.

  • Thanks! I'll just get used to the console warning about the missing navmesh :)

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