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Problem ending conversation

I can't find a way to end a conversation when I'm doing each line in a different action list (Which is the way preferred for more complex conversations, I believe). Now it says "Stop" in "After running" but this only makes it return back in the start of the conversation. What am I doing wrong?


  • Welcome to the community, @Arskiss.

    If you're using individual DialogOption ActionLists for your Conversation options, then it's down to the "When finished" option inside the option's properties within the Conversation Inspector. Set this to "Stop" to end the Conversation once the ActionList has finished running.

  • @ChrisIceBox My conversation UI seems to refuse to go away. I have an exit button that when clicked, runs an action list with a last line of dialogue and then After running: Stop. This didn't work, so I added a Menu > Change state to turn the menu off. The menu seems to dismiss for a moment and then pop right back up again. My conversation menu's Appear type is set to During Conversation, so I'm not sure what's going on here. This doesn't happen when I speak to the tree which only has a single line of dialogue. Note the tree uses In Scene Action source while my more complicated conversation with the bird uses Asset File.

  • If it's set to appear "During Conversation", then it should only display whenever a Conversation is active.

    You can check if this is the case within the AC Status box, which can be enabled at the bottom of the Settings Manager. At runtime, this will display in the upper-left corner of the Game window - and will name the current Conversation, if one is set.

    Does your Dialogue: Start conversation Action have Override options? checked? If not, the behaviour upon ending a response is set in the Conversation Inspector, via the When finished field for each option.

    A quick note on turning off Menus: a Menu will automatically turn itself on/off according to its Appear type field. If you want to have a Menu ignore this and be turned off regardless of its appear condition being met, use the Menu: Change state Action's Lock Menu command.

  • @ChrisIceBox I previously had an action in my Menu Manager > conversation > elements dedicated to exiting the conversation i.e. (1) DialogueList and (2) Exit button. I've changed it to instead have the exit button as part of the DialogueList and added it as a dialogue option in the conversation, which seems to be working now. I'm guessing not having it as an option meant the conversation kept going even if the exit button told the menu to end. Thanks for the help as always!

  • Sounds likely. A Conversation will be considered "active" even if there is no way to display it.

    If you want to have a dedicated "Exit Conversation" button, without having to create it as an option in each Conversation, you can have a Button element set to simulate the "EndConversation" input button.

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