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Need Player Switching, but also need Local Players in some scenes

Hi all!

Hope you are doing well!

So I have a situation where I need to have player switching -- let's say between A and B -- (in one of my scenes, the user plays as a different character (B) than the rest of the scenes (A) ).

However, I also need to have a local player of (A) in some of my scenes, as they have attributes (like a child light, or a child reflection object), that isn't always present in the player.

Unfortunately, if I have player switching enabled, I'm getting the following warning, and two players are showing up: "Local Player Everlyn found in scene Forest2. This is not allowed when Player Switching is enabled - in this mode, Players can only be spawned in."

How can I fix this so that I'm able to have the local player override the spawning, while also allowing player switching?
Is there a workaround to this so that I could keep the attributes (child light, as an example) in the player prefab?



  • The rules has to be enforced - you'll need to use one or the other.

    A couple of workarouds do exist, however.

    One is to use another Player prefab, a copy of A, that has their starting data set to Forest2 (i.e. "A2"). Rather than switching scene, you'd switch to this Player instead.

    The other would be to just use attributes, as you say. Remember components such as Remember Animator / Visibility attached to Player prefabs will be respected - so alterations that you make to their children will be retained, provided the appropriate Remember component is present.

  • Ah sorry missed this -- went ahead and did the latter -- seemed to work -- thank you!

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