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  • So I've added 3D box colliders to my sprites, it's not registering hotspots on the them, not sure what is it that I'm doing wrong. I'm attaching some screenshots. Hotspot detection method is set to Mouse Over. (Image)
  • Hey guys, thanks for the responses. So by "change the same way" I was thinking on the option for Cursor to change from normal cursor to, in my case, animated cursor when you hover over the hotspot. I was thinking about calling that functio…
  • Thanks for the response, is there any way for sprites and images to act as usable objects so that when I hover over them the cursor would change the same way as it does when I hover over the Hotspot? Would like to avoid adding Box Collider, it won't…
  • Hi Chris, I've ran into the same problem. In newer AC version it seems like AfterLoad(); is called instead of StartCoroutine (OnStartCoroutine ()); so I can skip that step, but I'm not sure what you meant by "Sound: Play Action in the OnStart C…
  • Only one scene is open at a time. Output: Processing: PersistentEngine on object: PersistentEngine, subScene: UnityEngine.Debug:Log(Object) and for 3 more objects in the scene that have Remember scripts on them, but the objects that have my rememb…
  • AC version: 1.60.4 Unity version: 2017.3.0f3Platform: PC, Mac & Linux Standalone. And I'm working on the PC all the time. I've tried with the default saving/loading menus but it doesn't work either. I should mention that remember hotspot, anima…
  • None of the Debug.Log statements are appearing, forgot to mention that. The script is attached to few UI elements that contain Image component on it and they are present in the scene file. I also have a second script just like that but it is used fo…
  • That's awesome news! Thanks for all the hard work Chris!
  • It's StateHandler.Update()\FindObjectsOfType Didn't know about that chapter, will go through it, thanks. So it doesn't matter how I define those inputs as long as they are defined somehow?
  • Hey sorry to dig up this old thread but I've found it while searching around the forum for StateHandler.cs taking up a lot of CPU power in my project. So I found out here that there is a checkbox in AC settings called "Assume inputs are defined…
  • That sounds great, thank you for the consideration, looking forward to the next patch :)
  • It changes only when I click on it and enter the menu, hovering over it doesn't do anything. Texture type is Cursor. I still can't figure out what is going on and why is the bug recreating only when Cursor rendering is set to Hardware...
  • Yes, only when I enter this menu, after I exit the cursor still remains changed. It doesn't pause the game when enabled. The problem is caused by Cursor rendering when it is set to Hardware, when I change it to Software the bug doesn't recreate. Im…
  • Thanks again Chris!
  • Hey admiralalamott, I'll jump in to help a bit and transfer your JS script to C#. Make a new C# script called TestScript and paste this in it: Here
  • Hi Chris, Thank you for your welcome as well as for your fast and detailed response. It worked, and I wanted to add just few things for people that will maybe run into this problem. I will basically simplify the stuff you said. In order to use thi…

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