Adventure Creator  1.81.2
An adventure game toolkit for Unity, by Chris Burton, ICEBOX Studios 2013-2024
AC.Ambience Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for AC.Ambience:
AC.Soundtrack AC.Sound

Public Member Functions

override MainData SaveMainData (MainData mainData)
 Updates a MainData class with its own variables that need saving. More...
override void LoadMainData (MainData mainData)
 Updates its own variables from a MainData class. More...
void PrepareSaveBeforeThreading ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from AC.Soundtrack
override void _Update ()
float Play (int trackID, bool loop, bool isQueued, float fadeTime, bool resumeIfPlayedBefore=false, int newTrackTimeSamples=0, float loopingOverlapTime=0f)
 Plays a new soundtrack More...
float Crossfade (int trackID, bool loop, bool isQueued, float fadeTime, bool resumeIfPlayedBefore=false, int newTrackTimeSamples=0, float loopingOverlapTime=0f)
 Crossfade a new soundtrack More...
float ResumeLastQueue (float fadeTime, bool playFromStart)
 Resumes the last-played soundtrack queue More...
float StopAll (float fadeTime, bool storeCurrentIndex=true)
 Stops the currently-playing track, and cancels all those in the queue. More...
int GetCurrentTrackID ()
void SyncTrackWithCurrent (int trackID, int sampleOffset=0)
 Sets the recorded 'time sample' of a track to match the currently-playing audio. This is useful if you want to blend into a new track at the same position as the current one, via the 'resumeIfPlayedBefore' option in the Play function. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from AC.Sound
void Interact ()
void FadeIn (float _fadeTime, bool loop, int _timeSamples=0)
 Fades in the AudioSource's current AudioClip, after which it continues to play. More...
void FadeOut (float _fadeTime)
 Fades out the AudioSource's current AudioClip, after which it stops. More...
bool IsFadingOut ()
 Checks if the AudioSource's AudioClip is being faded out. More...
void Play ()
void Play (bool loop)
 Plays the AudioSource's current AudioClip. More...
void Play (AudioClip clip, bool loop, int _timeSamples=0)
 Plays an AudioClip. More...
void PlayAtPoint (bool loop, int samplePoint)
 Plays the AudioSource's current AudioClip from a set point. More...
void SetMaxVolume ()
void SetVolume (float volume)
 Sets the volume, but takes relativeVolume into account as well. More...
void ChangeRelativeVolume (float newRelativeVolume, float changeTime=0f)
 Changes the relativeVolume value. More...
void Stop ()
bool IsFading ()
 Checks if the sound is fading in or out. More...
bool IsPlaying ()
 Checks if sound is playing. More...
bool IsPlaying (AudioClip clip)
 Checks if a particular AudioClip is playing. More...
void TryDestroy ()
void EndOld (SoundType _soundType, Sound ignoreSound)
 Fades out all sounds of a particular type being played. More...
SoundData GetSaveData (SoundData soundData)
 Updates a SoundData class with its own variables that need saving. More...
void LoadData (SoundData soundData)
 Updates its own variables from a SoundData class. More...

Protected Member Functions

new void Awake ()
int GetTimeSamplesToSave ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from AC.Soundtrack
void Awake ()
override void OnEnable ()
override void OnDisable ()
bool IsCrossfading ()
void CreateNewCrossfade (float fadeTime)
void EndOthers ()
virtual bool EndsOthers ()
float HandlePlay (int trackID, bool loop, bool isQueued, float fadeTime, bool isCrossfade, bool resumeIfPlayedBefore, int newTrackTimeSamples=0, float loopingOverlapTime=0f)
float ForceStopAll (float fadeTime, bool storeCurrentIndex=true)
void ClearSoundtrackQueue ()
void FadeOutThenIn (MusicStorage musicStorage, float fadeTime, bool loop, bool resumeIfPlayedBefore, int newTrackTimeSamples)
void AfterDelay ()
void Resume (int _timeSamples, float fadeTime=0f)
void HandleFadeIn (float _fadeTime, bool loop, int _timeSamples)
string CreateTimesampleString ()
string CreateLastSoundtrackString ()
string CreateOldTimesampleString ()
void LoadMainData (int _timeSamples, string _oldTimeSamples, int _lastTimeSamples, string _lastQueueData, string _queueData)
MusicStorage GetSoundtrack (int ID)
void SetRelativeVolume (float _relativeVolume)
void StoreSoundtrackSampleByIndex (int index)
int GetSoundtrackSample (int trackID)
void ClearSoundtrackSample (int trackID)
void SetSoundtrackSample (int trackID, int timeSample)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from AC.Sound
void Start ()
void OnEnterGameState (GameState gameState)
void OnInitialiseScene ()
void OnChangeVolume (SoundType _soundType, float newVolume)
void SetSmoothVolume ()
void SnapSmoothVolume ()
void SetFinalVolume ()
void TurnOn ()
void TurnOff ()
void Kill ()


override List< MusicStorageStorages [get]
override float LoadFadeTime [get]
override bool CrossfadeWhenLoading [get]
override bool RestartTrackWhenLoading [get]
- Properties inherited from AC.Soundtrack
virtual List< MusicStorageStorages [get]
int LastTimeSamples [get]
virtual bool IsMusic [get]
virtual float LoadFadeTime [get]
virtual bool CrossfadeWhenLoading [get]
virtual bool RestartTrackWhenLoading [get]
- Properties inherited from AC.Sound
AudioSource audioSource [get]

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from AC.Sound
SoundType soundType
bool playWhilePaused = false
float relativeVolume = 1f
bool surviveSceneChange = false
- Protected Attributes inherited from AC.Soundtrack
List< QueuedSoundtrackqueuedSoundtrack = new List<QueuedSoundtrack>()
List< MusicCrossfadecrossfades = new List<MusicCrossfade>()
List< QueuedSoundtracklastQueuedSoundtrack = new List<QueuedSoundtrack>()
List< SoundtrackSampleoldSoundtrackSamples = new List<SoundtrackSample>()
int lastTimeSamples
float delayTime
int delayAudioID = -1
float delayFadeTime
bool delayLoop
bool delayResumeIfPlayedBefore
int delayNewTrackTimeSamples
bool wasPlayingLastFrame
- Protected Attributes inherited from AC.Sound
float maxVolume = 1f
float smoothVolume = 1f
float smoothUpdateSpeed = 20f
float fadeTime
float originalFadeTime
FadeType fadeType
Options options
AudioSource _audioSource
float otherVolume = 1f
float originalRelativeVolume
float targetRelativeVolume
float relativeChangeTime
float originalRelativeChangeTime
bool gameIsPaused

Detailed Description

This script handles the playback of Ambience when played using the 'Sound: Play ambience' Action.

Member Function Documentation

◆ LoadMainData()

override void AC.Ambience.LoadMainData ( MainData  mainData)

Updates its own variables from a MainData class.

mainDataThe MainData class to load from

Reimplemented from AC.Soundtrack.

◆ PrepareSaveBeforeThreading()

void AC.Ambience.PrepareSaveBeforeThreading ( )

Prepares save data that cannot be generated while threading

◆ SaveMainData()

override MainData AC.Ambience.SaveMainData ( MainData  mainData)

Updates a MainData class with its own variables that need saving.

mainDataThe original MainData class
The updated MainData class

Reimplemented from AC.Soundtrack.