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Custom double-click on hotspot not triggering

I am trying yo apply custom script on double-click on hotspot and I found this discussion
I tried to do the same, but the AC.KickStarter.playerInput.GetMouseState() never goes to MouseState.DoubleClick when it's on a hotspot. It's ok wherever else though. When trying to debug, it seems that the MouseState is "HeldDown" and "LetGo" when double-clicking on hotspot. Is there a supplementary setting needed to apply that ?
I am using Mouse and Keybord as Input method.

Thanks in advance !


  • What is it you're actually trying to do? And what is the result of single-clicking a Hotspot? To have the Player move towards it (in a cutscene or not?) before running the default interaction?

    Best to see the Hotspot's Inspector as well as your Settings Manager.

    You could try detecting for a second click once the first has been used to interact with the Hotspot, i.e.:

    using UnityEngine;
    using AC;
    public class DoubleClickTest : MonoBehaviour
        public float maxDelay = 0.4f;
        private void OnEnable () { EventManager.OnHotspotInteract += OnHotspotInteract; }
        private void OnDisable () { EventManager.OnHotspotInteract -= OnHotspotInteract; }
        private void OnHotspotInteract (Hotspot hotspot, AC.Button button)
            StartCoroutine (CheckForDoubleClick (hotspot));
        private IEnumerator CheckForDoubleClick (Hotspot hotspot)
            yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame ();
            float timer = maxDelay;
            while (timer > 0f && KickStarter.playerInteraction.GetHotspotMovingTo () == hotspot)
                if (KickStarter.playerInput.LastClickWasDouble ())
                    Debug.Log ("Double-clicked!");
                    timer = 0f;
                yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame ();
                timer -= Time.deltaTime;
  • edited May 2020

    Hi @ChrisIceBox , thank you for your quick reply.
    The single-clicking on hotspot works perfectly, it triggers the Use Interaction (or Examine interaction for right click, if enabled). I would like to trigger a slightly different Interaction when double-clicking and not just triggers action instantly. I tried this option, it works but does not really fit my needs, that's why I tried to do it by hand.

    I tried your code and it's just what I needed, thank you !

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