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Disabling free-aiming with Player Constrain while using UFPS

While fiddling around with AC (Keyboard and Controller) and UFPS, I noticed that when using Player: Constrain, disabling free-aiming has no effect because Mouse X and Mouse Y are not renamed to CursorHorizontal en CursorVertical.

What I’d like to achieve is (not pausing gameplay): player presses button (Inventory or maybe Use), run Action List, open Inventory, constrain Player, disable free-aiming and direct contol the inventory. From there I’d like to expand it more, but let’s start with this.

After renaming Mouse X and Mouse Y to CursorHorizontal en CursorVertical in the Input Manager, and in the UFPS Input Manager, and in the script ‘vp_FPInput.cs’, the result is however that opening the inventory does unlock the cursor, but free-aiming is still possible. So both camera and cursor move. I had a search through the UFPS scripts, but couldn’t find anything else using Mouse X or Mouse Y.

I also followed the ‘Creating a first person game Tutorial’, where Mouse X and Y are renamed very early on, and UFPS is added at the end. I was wondering how it’s set up there, especially constraining free-aim throught an Action List while using UFPS?


  • You're referring to "legacy" UFPS?

    UFPS uses its own inputs for free-aiming, so you should probably have both Mouse X/Y and CursorHorizontal/Vertical inputs defined in your Input Manager.

    Free-aiming in this mode is handled by UFPS - try looking for the vp_FPInput script's MouseCursorForced property.

    AC's UltimateFPSIntegration script, which will need to be attached to your Player, should update this property automatically based on AC's own cursor lock state - which can be set with the Player: Constrain Action.

    Another way to test this cursor lock manually is to go into the GameEngine object's Player Input component and configure the Force Gameplay Cursor field.

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