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separate scene for dialogue (2D)

hi there,

I'm looking at the 2D tutorial as a base for the type of game I am goin to make. I'm wanting to create cinematic looking dialogue, very simply of course.

I want to treat the environment and the dialogue sequences as separate spaces, to use different sprites and assets for he characters and environments. Instead of viewing the interaction from the screen we navigate the environment with I was hoping to be able to have a separate screen come up to represent a conversation or interaction. Much like an RPG eg. fallout or the Witcher but 2D; like Persona or the Ace attorney games.

Is there a way to implement something like this?


  • Do you mean just having a scene where most of the gameplay happens, and then placing dialogue cutscenes in separate scenes? I can't see why it would be a problem. You just need to trigger the scene change, and then go back to the previous scene when it's over. The various "remember" components should be useful to keep track of character positions, etc.
  • Welcome to the community, @AN_ATOMIC.

    This would include, for exampe, a separate "close up" background graphic of the current scene?

    Changing to a separate scene would be one way, but not strictly necessary - particularly if your game is 2D. You could alternatively just cut your camera to show a different set of graphics that are placed off to the side of your main set graphics. So long as the regular camera can't scroll that far, you can then avoid having to change scene.

    To then show "close-up" alternative graphics of the characters involved, you have a couple of options:

    1) Rely on separate character objects that act as stand-ins for your normal characters, give them their own idle/talking animations, and have all your speech Actions control these characters instead of your normal ones.

    2) Keep such graphics out of the scene, and instead rely on Portrait graphics/animations that get placed inside Menus. Portrait graphics can be assigned to a character, and can be made to animate when talking as well as change expression. It's a little more involved to set up, as you have to update your Subtitles menu to display these graphics, but is just as valid an option. A series of tutorials on this concept can be found here.

    If you need any elaboration, probably best if you can share some mock-ups to illustrate exactly what you're going for. That way, we can give more specific advice.

  • yeah more or less, but I don't want it to be a cutscene. I want the dialogue to be interactive, and to have an effect on the gameplay once the scene has concluded. It sounds like the remember function would be a way to achieve this... I'm just not sure what exactly what I need to do to make this happen. could anyone recommend what to search for in the discussions?

  • My comments above don't need involve to involve any cutscenes beyond just switching the camera. One the camera has cut, you can still rely on e.g. Conversation objects to make your dialogue interactive.

    Remember components are used to save specific data about an object in the scene, so which one you use really depends on what it is exactly you want to save. This is more to do with the save-system, however, and not logic processing.

    The easiest way to keep track of Player progress, and affect the game accordingly, is to use Variables. Global variables can be used to keep track of events across multiple scenes, while Local / Component variables can be used to keep track of things in an individual scene. A tutorial on their usage can be found here.

  • hey @ChrisIceBox thanks so much for your detailed response, I was actually responding to @Rairun and had not refreshed the page. So your comment was not displayed. Apologies for that, it looks like I've ignored the fact that you have essentially solved my query. Thank you, this is actually going to help me immensely.

    Just while I have your attention, Is there by chance a discussion I can look at to help me work out WASD movement? its pretty important to the aesthetic/feel of what I'm making, so if I could get that working it would be fantastic.

  • edited February 2021

    For WASD movement, set your Settings Manager's "Movement method" to "Direct". Control will then be based on Horizontal and Vertical inputs, which you can map to these keys in Unity's Input Manager.

    You'll also need to configure your scene, in that you'll need to place down 2D Colliders to to block your character from moving through walls. The NavMesh is only used when a character is pathfinding automatically - not when moving under direct control.

    For collisions to occur, you'll also need to make sure your Player character has Rigidbody 2D and Circle Collider 2D components on their root. The included 2D Demo game's Player prefab, Brain2D, is set up in this way for comparison.

  • perfect! thank you again for all your help :) hopefully I'll be able to show off the results in the near future

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