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Noob question: Animations?

Ok, I am a unity and adventure creator beginner. I have set up a start cutscene. In that, I have the player sitting on a chair saying various things. Once the cutscene is over, i want to change him to standing.
To do that, I have made an animation controller on my player. I have alos made 2 different animations. One sitting and one standing.
Where do I go from here?
I have created a Cutscene and set it to be "on start". So going to the action list editor, I have made a Character:Animate, to change animation at the end of the cutscene, but my animations are nowhere to be found.

How can i run a cutscene and from the start of the cutscene have my character be forced to X animation and then at the end force him to another animation (going from sitting in a chair in the cutscene and when cutscene is over, go to standing position instead).

Thanks a lot:)


  • A large part of the answer depends on what "Animation engine" your character makes use of. Do they rely on Sprites Unity or Mecanim, i.e. are they 2D or 3D?

    The Character: Animate Action is the correct one to use, but the animations present in your Animator won't be listed here - you'll have to either enter in the name of the animation you want to play, or the name of the parameter you wish to control.

    Animation Parameters are a Unity concept, and allow for animation transitions to be automated based on user-defined values - more info can be found here.

    If your character is 2D, though, and you want them to be both playing "sit idle" and "sit talk" animations, depending on their speaking state, you'll probably want to instead change your character's "Standard" animations, so that these play automatically.

    First though, let's see screenshots of the situation - your character's Inspector, the Animator Controller, and the OnStart cutscene - and we'll go from there.

  • Using Unity 2d animator. Will post screenshots later:) Thanks

  • In that case, you can use a pair of Character: Animate Actions, using the Set Standard method, to change the character's Idle and Talk animation names to "sitting" alternatives that play instead of the regular ones during the sequence.

    For example, if your regular Idle animation name is "Idle", it'll play "Idle_D" when facing downwards, etc. If you add your sitting idle animation into the Animator as a clip named "SittingIdle_D", you can use the Action to change your Idle animation to "SittingIdle", so that SittingIdle_D gets played when idling downward instead.

  • Thanks a lot!:) Will have a look at it.

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