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Newbie Technical Question: Audio Spectrum animation

Dear AC Community. Forgive what is, I am sure, a simple question, but I have just started using AC and Unity and would like to create an animation for my game. What I would like to do is make audio spectrums of music and sound effects and then have them follow simple moving shapes. Essentially what I want to do at the moment is make a spectrum that follows a simple wireframe line meant to signify an octopus arm in motion, a sort of undulating line that the audio spectrum follows. Just curious if anyone has any ideas on how to make this work.


  • Welcome to the community, @Alumen.

    Having an animation dynamically react to sound is pretty challenging - the closest example that AC has to this topic is the AutoLipSync component, which reads the volume of its attached AudioSource and rotates a bone according to the intensity. This is used to animatie the jaw bone of the 3D Demo game's Player character, Tin Pot.

    However, this isn't a topic specifically related to AC. The Unity Forums should be able to offer more in the way of research and advice. As AC adds another layer of complexity into the mix, I'd recommend first getting your animation needs seen to in a separate scene/project, and then incorporate it into AC.

    Help can be given if you need assistance with that aspect (possible custom Action, etc), but it'll depend on how exactly your audio animation system works.

  • Thanks so much for the swift response. I will explore the Unity Forums for a bit. Really enjoying working with AC so far.

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