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document and journal design

Hi, I'm trying to design how to create stuff what I want I don't seem to fully understand the journal concept. Is it so that document is a fixed design and you can't add pages into it? But then again document can have journal elements in it. How free could I be in journal design? Can I just create a template as a prefab and attach it into journal? So the pages would be quite different.
I have already thought of pages like "normal" journal, where there's couple of tasks player should do and a explaining image with it, a page with three notes and player can click and select two similar elements - like date - on two notes and then a fourth note would be created out of the players selections - so select two out of three to verify what you want and a page with some photos with clickable areas for player to select to create conversation choises.
I'm not sure if I could do them all with journal or maybe I should create separate menus and link them with menu changes.
Any ideas?


  • Think of a Journal like a diary that the Player character writes as they progress - it can have a set of default pages, but can be added to over the course over the game.

    A Document, on the other hand, display a fixed set of text - but the Player can view/collect multiple of them over the course of the game, and (optionally) view all they've collected in a list.

    By themselves, though, Journals/Documents are not interactive - they just display text. You still need to rely on Button elements to add interactivity, and Graphic elements to display images/photos.

    Through scripting, this can be automated - so that e.g. each page has an associated texture that is used to update a Graphic element based on which page is open. For that specific behaviour, see this wiki script.

    A similar technique can be used to hide/show Buttons based on which document or page is open.

    If you make use of Unity UI, you also have the option of using animation to control the layout/display of you Menu - for example, update the Sprite inside an Image component, hide/show a Button, etc. If you made animations for each of the possible "layouts", then you could wire them up to an Integer parameter in your Animator, and then have a script that updates that parameter value based on the index of the currently-open page:

    using UnityEngine;
    using AC;
    public class AnimatedJournal : MonoBehaviour
        [SerializeField] private Animator _animator;
        [SerializeField] private string pageParameter = "Page";
        [SerializeField] private string journalMenuName = "Journal";
        [SerializeField] private string journalElementName = "PageText";
        private void OnEnable ()
            EventManager.OnMenuTurnOn += OnMenuTurnOn;
            EventManager.OnMenuElementShift += OnMenuElementShift;
        private void OnDisable ()
            EventManager.OnMenuTurnOn -= OnMenuTurnOn;
            EventManager.OnMenuElementShift -= OnMenuElementShift;
        private void OnMenuTurnOn (Menu menu, bool isInstant)
            if (menu.title == journalMenuName)
                UpdatePageTexture ();
        private void OnMenuElementShift (MenuElement _element, AC_ShiftInventory shiftType)
            if (_element.title == journalElementName)
                UpdatePageTexture ();
        private void UpdatePageTexture ()
            MenuJournal journal = PlayerMenus.GetElementWithName (journalMenuName, journalElementName) as MenuJournal;
            int pageIndex = journal.showPage - 1;
            _animator.SetInteger (pageParameter, pageIndex);
  • Thanks, I think I'll go with linked documents. Can I change the crossfade target by script or are they fixed? And maybe I should cut images into mosaic pieces, so that I could add buttons where I want and still have the ability to variate the size.

  • Can I change the crossfade target by script or are they fixed?

    From a Button menu element?

    Through script, any Manager field can be changed at runtime. Just click the field's label in the Menu Manager to get an API reference to it.

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