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Creating an action which triggers a parameter change in a FMOD event

Hello, I'm using Adventure Creator 1.62.6 (this project started years ago and since then I changed quite a lot of stuff so I'm kind of scared to update to the latest version) and I'm writing some actions to integrate FMOD into my game.

I have a problem with the action which triggers a parameter change in an event: whenever I set it (to let's say the one with ID == 3) and then I go back to it in the Action List editor, the currently selected parameter gets reverted to the first parameter found for the event (ID == 0).

Am I missing something trivial here?

Here's the relevant code used:

The action:

*   Adventure Creator
*   by Chris Burton, 2013-2016
*   "ActionTemplate.cs"
*   This is a blank action template.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Linq;
using Assets.Domi.Scripts.Audio;
using UnityEditor;


namespace AC
    public class DomiFmodSetParameterAction : Action
        [SerializeField] private AudioEventDefinition audioEventDefinition;
        [SerializeField] private string parameter;
        [SerializeField] private float value;

        private int parameterIndex;

        //[SerializeField] private bool oneShot;

        public DomiFmodSetParameterAction()
            this.isDisplayed = true;
            category = ActionCategory.Fmod;
            title = "Fmod Set Parameter";
            description = "";

        override public float Run()
            if (!isRunning)
                isRunning = true;
                return defaultPauseTime;

            AudioManager.Instance.SetParameter(audioEventDefinition, parameter, value);

            isRunning = false;
            return 0f;

        #if UNITY_EDITOR

        override public void ShowGUI()
            if (audioEventDefinition != null && !audioEventDefinition.parameters.Any())

            // Action-specific Inspector GUI code here
            audioEventDefinition = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Audio event asset:", audioEventDefinition, typeof(AudioEventDefinition), false) as AudioEventDefinition;
            if (audioEventDefinition != null)
                parameterIndex = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Paramenter: ", parameterIndex, audioEventDefinition.parameters.Select(x =>;
                if (parameterIndex < audioEventDefinition.parameters.Count)
                    parameter = audioEventDefinition.parameters[parameterIndex].name;

            value = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Value: ", value);

        public override string SetLabel()
            // Return a string used to describe the specific action's job.

            string labelAdd = "";
            return labelAdd;


Audio Event Definition:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using FMOD.Studio;
using FMODUnity;
using UnityEngine;

namespace Assets.Domi.Scripts.Audio
    [CreateAssetMenu(menuName = "DoMI/Audio event")]
    public class AudioEventDefinition : ScriptableObject
        [EventRef] [SerializeField] public string eventName;
        [SerializeField] public List<AudioEventParameter> parameters = new List<AudioEventParameter>();

        [SerializeField] public AudioEventType type;
        public enum AudioEventType

        public void GetEventParamenters()

            var instance = RuntimeManager.CreateInstance(eventName);
            if (!instance.isValid())

            instance.getDescription(out EventDescription eventDescription);

            eventDescription.getParameterDescriptionCount(out int parameterDecriptionCount);

            for (int i = 0; i < parameterDecriptionCount; i++)
                eventDescription.getParameterDescriptionByIndex(i, out PARAMETER_DESCRIPTION parameterDescription);
                parameters.Add(new AudioEventParameter(parameterDescription, this));

Audio Event Parameter:

using FMOD.Studio;
using UnityEngine;

namespace Assets.Domi.Scripts.Audio
    public class AudioEventParameter
        private PARAMETER_DESCRIPTION description;
        private AudioEventDefinition parent;

        public string name;
        public string type;
        private PARAMETER_ID id;
        [SerializeField] private float defaultValue;
        public float value;

        public AudioEventParameter(PARAMETER_DESCRIPTION description, AudioEventDefinition parent)
            this.description = description;
            name =;
            type = description.type.ToString();
            id =;
            defaultValue = description.defaultvalue;
            this.parent = parent;

        public void SetValue(float value)
            this.value = value;
            AudioManager.Instance.SetParameter(parent, name, value);


Thanks in advance, I'm sure I'm missing something really simple but I'm having a hard time finding it!


  • Which variable in your custom Action specifically isn't being set correctly? The "parameter" string?

    Temporarily replace your ShowGUI's PopUp call to a simple TextField, i.e.:

    parameter = EditorGUILayout.TextField ("Parameter:", parameter);

    Does that then remain a fixed value? If so, it's probably not to do with the Action itself.

    Perhaps AudioEventParameter, or its variables, need to be serializable?

  • Perhaps AudioEventParameter, or its variables, need to be serializable?

    This was indeed the case! Thanks a lot :)

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