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camera switches back to the fps cam before the animation is complete

Hey Chris,

so after updating to 1.73.6 (from 1.70) I have an issue on animated game cameras

Let's say our player moves to a ladder and use it to climb.
the ladder climb camera has Game Camera Animated component with the animation play when active

this is the workflow I use:
-camera switch to ladder climb camera, wait until finish with 1 sec transition
-teleport the player to top

so before the update:
the camera was switching to the climbing cam, continued perfectly and once the animation is over the player was teleporting to top and the camera switches back to the fps cam

after the update:
the camera switches to the climbing cam but at that instant it switched back to the player cam and teleports to top while the climbing cam plays in background

so previously the wait until finish tag on camera switch was also waiting for the animation of the camera

is there a way to wait for the animation now (without reimplementing all these actions using timeline)?

I tried adding Object: Animate and animating the climb cam manually after the switch but once the switch is over it gets back to the fps cam before the animation starts



  • I'll attempt a recreation, but the GameCamera Animated component wasn't touched during those updates. Did you update Unity as well during this process?

  • i didnt update unity. is this workflow the correct way to use the animated camera? do I need to disable movement before it?

    (although it was working like this before)
  • Recreated. The Action will wait for the animated camera to play it's animation, but only if the Action itself has zero transition time.

    I feel it's best to have an additional option there to let the user choose between waiting for the transition time vs the animation. I'll include this in the next release.

  • edited April 2021

    thanks it worked; however now I can't transition to the camera (so it makes an instant jump to the animated cam)

    do you have a suggestion for that initial transition?

    just fyi: **I used the old ActionCamera.cs file and it worked perfectly (I was under impression I had to update it according to the new action updates but it worked just like that) I will try to find the reason comparing two codes

    so when I set a transition time, it first transitions to that camera and then also waits for the animation to complete before returning to the fps camera

  • I wasn't suggesting that as a workaround - just explaining the way it currently works.

    The next update will include the option I mentioned - though you should be safe to use the old ActionCamera.cs file in the meantime.

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