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exiting conversation completely

I'm trying to exit conversation completely after a dialog option and turn it's hotspot off. But event call to conversation to turnOff only ends the current dialog option.


  • Invoking "TurnOff" will only have an effect while the options are displaying on-screen.

    How a Conversation ends depends on whether you override its options in the Dialogue: Start conversation Action or not. If you don't, then you must set the option's When finished field to Stop.

    If you do, and your Actions for each of the options are handled in the same ActionList as the Conversation, have the chain of Actions stop at the moment you want to end the Conversation as opposed to re-routing back to the Dialogue: Start conversation Action.

    For more specific advice, share images.

  • I created another conversation option with stop, and tweaked the logic a bit and it seems to work fine.

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